Chapter 5: Reinforcements

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Everyone waited for days for reinforcements to come. Rani was wondering is Zazu even made it to the Tree Of Life.

Kion paced back and forth growling, "I want to sink my claws in his throat!" Kion yelled. "And you can, after everyone is here," Rani replied. Kion looked at her.

"Rani, promise me you won't fight. I don't want you to be hurt. If you did, I would kill myself," Kion said. Normally, Rani would argue, but because she was pregnant, she didn't.

"Ok Kion, I won't fight," Rani sighed. Kion kissed her, "Thank you Rani." Rani nuzzled him.

After a few hours, almost all of the Tree Of Life animals came, including, Sahasi, Ananda, Baliyo, Surak, and Nirmala.

"Finally your here!" Kion shouted. "Sorry, we took so long," Sahasi apologized. "Ok, let's go fight!" Kion shouted. Kion started walking off.

Rani grabbed his ear, and pulled him back. "Your not going anywhere," Rani said. "Ow! Rani! That hurt!" Kion complained. "You can't just charge into a fight!" Rani shouted.

"It's worked ever since I was a cub," Kion replied. Kiara chuckled. Rani frowned, "This guy is more dangerous, you need to think," Rani bonked his head.

"Ow," Kion rubbed his head with his paw. "Fine, I'll do as you say," Kion groaned. "There's a good Kion," Rani tussled his mane. "Ah! Rani!" Kion groaned. He shook it back in place. Kiara, Sahasi, Ananda, the Night Pride, and the Lion Guard laughed.

"We need to come up with a plan," Rani said. "I have one!" Kion stepped forward, "Let's charge into the fight!" "Did you not hear what I just said!" Rani shouted.

"Yes, you said to charge into the fight," Kion smirked. "Do I need to hit your head again?" Rani raised and eyebrow with a smile. "No please dont!" Kion covered his head with his paw. "Then don't charge into the fight," Rani said.

"But that's the fun part about fighting!" Kion groaned. Rani raised an eyebrow. "Alright alright," Kion sighed.

"Ok, my plan is to attack him from all sides. If we only attack Koa, and kill him, his followers will leave," Rani said.

"That won't work," Kiara replied, "Koa isn't really the leader. He is just the one who has had the most kills, so he gets to control the others. If he dies, then the one with the next most amount of kills wins."

"So then we will have to wipe out the whole pride," Rani said. "But how! There are thousands of them!" Fuli shouted. "I'm not sure yet. Kion could use his roar," Rani turned to Kion.

"I'll use my roar on the others, but I want to kill Koa with my claws," Kion growled. "Alright fine," Rani sighed.

"Everyone, rest up, we'll attack in two days," Rani said. "Two days! I want to attack now!" Kion complained.

"Kion, we need to watch them, and figure out their battle moves," Rani explained. "Ugh," Kion groaned. Rani chuckled, "You can sink your claws in Koa's throat I promise," Rani said.

"Ok," Kion smiled. He and Rani layed down to rest.

Kion and Rani: Peace Brought Us Together (Book 3 Of 3)Where stories live. Discover now