Chapter 17: Filled With Hate

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Koa waited for Zorro to wake up.

Zorro opened his eyes. "Mommy?" Zorro asked. "Your mom and dad left you," Koa said. "What why!" Zorro started crying.

"Hey I'm here for you," Koa said. Zorro ran up and hugged him. Koa smirked. "I want to to meet my pride," Koa said. Zorro looked up.

Koa showed him the Conquor Pride. Zorro was a bit scared, but eventually got used to them.

"H-Hi," Zorro stampered. The Conquor Pride smiled at him.

Kion and Rani ran around looking for Raja. "Raja!" Kion called. Rani had tears in her eyes. Kion nuzzled her. "Don't worry, we will find him," Kion said. "Why does this keep happening to us. Something bad always happens to us," Rani wiped away her tears.

"My grandfather always said there is a rainbow around ever corner. We just have to wish the great kings are watching over Raja..."

"Alright, let's begin your training," Koa smirked. "Why am I doing this?" Zorro asked. "We are getting back at your parents for leaving you," Koa replied. Zorro nodded.

Zorro went up against a teenager.

(Kijani 15, Kijani means, "Warrior")

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(Kijani 15, Kijani means, "Warrior")

Kijani snickered at Zorro. "Wow this little cub. Seriously Koa?" "He will be a strong warrior. He just needs help. Now, you two, fight," Koa ordered.

Kijani smirked and got into a fighting position. He extended his claws and barred his teeth.

Zorro didn't know what to do. He had never been in a fight, he was just born yesterday. Kijani attacked Zorro.

Zorro just hit Kijani out of instinct.

Kijani growled

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Kijani growled. "Hmm not bad." "Good job Zorro," Koa said. Zorro smiled.

Rani and Kion couldn't find Raja. Rani fell to the ground in tears. Kion nuzzled her. "You stay here and take care of Sawa. I'll keep looking for Raja," Kion said. Rani nodded.

Kion tried to get Raja's scent, but couldn't find it. "That's strange," Kion raised an eyebrow. Kion kept looking.

Zorro kept fighting Kijani. Kijani always won, but Raja brought a few good hits to him.

"Alright, that's enough for today," Koa said. Zorro sighed in relief.

"We do this again tomorrow, for now everyone sleep. We all need to be well rested in order to win," Koa smirked.

Kion and Rani: Peace Brought Us Together (Book 3 Of 3)Where stories live. Discover now