Chapter 12: Captured

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Everyone was to busy fighting to realize that Kion was being dragged to Koa.

Eventually, the Lion Guard, night pride, and Sahasi got tired and ran back to the hideout.

"Hey, w-wheres Kion!" Rani shouted. "He's here," Baliyo said. "Stop lieing! Where is he!" Rani growled. "NO we were positive he was here," Sahasi said.

"No. No No No No! H-He can't be gone. He has to be here, I need to find him!" Rani tried running, but Sahasi held down her tail.

"Kion said that you can't even go to Priderock," Sahasi said. "I need to save him!" Rani growled. "Remember Rani, we don't charge into a fight," Sahasi smirked.

Rani groaned. She didn't like it when her dad used her words against her. "Ok, let's plan."

Kion was dragged up Priderock to Koa. Kion was still out cold. "Well well well. If it isnt Kion," Koa chuckled evilly. He grabbed Kion's scruff, and threw him against a rock. Kion fell to the ground, still limp.

Koa grabbed Kion, and threw him in Priderock with Simba, Nala, and Kovu.

"Kion!" Nala shouted. She ran up to her son. "Oh no!" Simba ran up to Kion alongside Nala.

"My little baby," Nala cried. Kion grunted. "Ohh my back," Kion groaned. He turned over, and saw his parents. He jumped up, but immediately fell back down in pain.

"Oh thank goodness your alive," Nala sighed. "Of course im alive. I promised Rani I'd come back to her alive not dead," Kion replied.

"Hold up, why am I here?" Kion asked. "By the looks of it, you were captured," Simba replied.

"Holy Kings Of The Past, Rani's gonna kill me," Kion panicked. "I think it's funny how we are trapped by the most psychotic lion in the world, yet your worried how Rani is going to kill you for being captured," Simba chuckled.

"If Koa doesn't kill me, she will," Kion covered his head with his paws. Simba chuckled, "You'll be fine Kion."

"I need to get out of here," Kion said. "The only way out is that right there," Simba pointed to a very small hole in the rocks, "But your muscles are to big, you wouldn't be able to fit."

"Doesn't mean I won't try," Kion gutted through the pain in his back, and walked to the hole. He tried to go through. Kion got half of his body through the hole, but he couldn't go further.

"Could uh. Could either of you help me," Kion asked with a sigh. Nala and Simba chuckled. They grabbed Kion and pulled him back.

Kion finally noticed Kovu. He gasped and ran to him. "What happened!" Kion shouted. "Koa threw him against a rock. The impact was so hard, that the rock even broke," Simba explained.

Kion nuzzled Kovu, who was alive, but not doing well. "We need to help him," Kion said. "But how, we don't have the right stuff," Nala replied.

"I have a plan," Kion smirked.

Kion and Rani: Peace Brought Us Together (Book 3 Of 3)Where stories live. Discover now