Chapter 13: Two Plans As One

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"I have a plan," Kion smirked, "I'm going to get us out of here." "Ok, what's the plan?" Simba asked.

"Ok, mom your going to distract the guards. Get their attention, I don't care how, but we need them distracted. Dad, your going going to grab Kovu, and quickly drag him out," Kion explained. Nala and Simba nodded.

"While mom is distracting the guards, I will sneak up from behind and kill them. Once they are dead, we go to our hideout," Kion said. "Alright," Simba replied.

"Ok mom, go," Kion ordered. Nala walked over to the guards.

"Ok dad, grab Kovu's scruff, when the guards leave, run fast. Kovu will be in pain, but just make sure you get him out of here," Kion instructed.

Simba nodded, he grabbed Kovu's scruff, and waited.

Nala got the guards distracted. Simba ran out with Kovu. Kion jumped on one of the guards back, and bit his neck. He dropped dead. The others didn't seem to notice. They were to distracted by Nala.

Kion killed the remaining three, then he and Nala ran to Simba and Kovu.

"How did you get them distracted?" Simba asked. "I have my ways," Nala smirked. "Alright enough chit chat. I need to get back to Rani before she makes me a dead lion," Kion shouted.

Simba and Nala chuckled, "Ok let's go." They ran to the hideout.

Koa went to make sure Kion, Simba, Nala, and Kovu were all still in Priderock. As he walked up, he noticed his guards on the ground, dead. He ran into Priderock.

Koa looked around. No one was in Priderock. Koa roared loud with rage. "I'm going to kill them all next time," He growled.

Kion, Simba and Nala ran to the hideout. Kovu was carried.

Kion looked around for Rani, but couldn't see her. Suddenly, he was flown to the ground and pinned.

"Your lucky Koa let you to live, so I can kill you!" Rani shouted. "Sorry Rani," Kion apologized. "You broke your promise! You said you wouldn't get caught!" Rani shouted.

"Hey I'm back right?" Kion asked. "Yeah I guess, but don't scare me like that again, or I will put you with the great kings," Rani threatened.

"I'll take that into consideration," Kion smirked. Rani smiled, "I missed you." Rani hugged him. "I guarantee I missed you more," Kion smirked. "Not possible," Rani smiled.

"Ok seriously, is there not one cave you two can go into!" Bunga shouted. Kion and Rani looked at each other, then Bunga. "Nope," They said in unison. "Oh jeez," Bunga rolled his eye's and walked away. Kion and Rani continued to cuddle.

Kiara looked at Kovu. "Kovu?" Kiara asked walking up to him. Kovu opened his eyes and smiled at Kiara. "Long time no see," He smiled. Kiara shook her head with a smile, and kissed him. "How you feeling?" Kiara asked.

"Well, other than the major pain in my back. I'm doing pretty good," Kovu smirked. Kiara chuckled. "I'm glad your ok, and you'll be better in not time," Kiara cuddled in his chest. Kovu wrapped his arm around Kiara.

Ananda, Sahasi, Simba, and Nala looked at them. "Rani and Kion were meant to be together," Ananda said. "Just like Kovu and Kiara," Simba smiled.

Kion and Rani: Peace Brought Us Together (Book 3 Of 3)Where stories live. Discover now