Chapter 19: Intense Training

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Zorro woke up with a yawn. Koa was standing over him. "Time for training," He said with a small growl.

Zorro stood up, and walked over to Kijani. "Alright cub, let's see what you got," Kijani smirked. Raja had learned from yesterday, making the first move meant you had a better chance of losing.

Kijani made the dumb move, and attacked Zorro. Zorro headbutted him. Even for a small cub, he was quite strong. Kijani stumbled back and growled.

Zorro found an opening, and clawed Kijani's chest. Kijani flew Zorro to the wall. Zorro grunted, and stood up.

Zorro barred his teeth at Kijani. "Alright that's enough. Good job Zorro," Koa said. Kijani growled. Koa had never given him praise before.

"Zorro, because you beat Kijani, you can take on a stronger lion, and keep going up, untill you reach me," Koa smirked evilly. "Bring it," Zorro growled.

Zorro went to the next lion to fight. He didn't wait for introductions, he just went in for the fight.

The Lion wasn't expecting this, and got clawed in the face. He tried to throw Zorro, but Zorro just jumped back.

"Gotta be quicker than that!" Zorro mocked. The lion growled. Zorro headbutted the lion in the chest, sending him back. The lion tripped and fell. Zorro stood triumphantly ontop of him. "Good job Zorro, take a quick rest," Koa said.

Kijani growled. Koa never said he did a good job or let him have a break. But he knew that Koa was the leader, and that he shouldn't fight with him. Kijani held down his anger.

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