Chapter 10: Exaggeration

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Rani was thinking. She had won a fight with Kion.

"Maybe I can get him to stop talking in his sleep," Rani said. "Or make him start getting food and water for me. Oh or have him make me flower necklaces everyday. Maybe even get him to take me on romantic dates every night!" Rani thought outloud.

"You only won one fight between us Rani, and now your trying to turn me into a Romeo?" Kion asked. "Yes," Rani smirked. "Your exaggerating to much," Kion replied. "Never to much exaggeration for this lioness," Rani smiled.

Kion shook his head with a smile. "Rani, you are something else," Kion chuckled. "And is that a bad thing or a good thing?" Rani asked.

"It's a great thing," Kion kissed her. Rani nuzzled him. "Get a cave," Bunga groaned.

"Oh you don't like that do you Bunga?" Kion asked. Bunga gagged. Kion smirked. He rolled over and pinned Rani down. He kissed her again.

"Oh I think I gonna be sick!" Bunga ran away. Kion and Rani burst into laughter. Kion got off Rani and layed next to her.

"I love hanging out with you," Rani smiled. "To you as well," Kion replied.

"Hey Rani," Kion said. "Yeah?" Rani asked. Kion looked her in the eyes. "I won't hunt for you," Kion booped her nose and ran off. "If I catch you, you will hunt for me!" Rani smirked.

"You wont!" Kion laughed. Rani ran after him. Even though she was pregnant. She ran just fine after she got the hang of it.

Sahasi and Ananda watched as Kion and Rani played. "Even during war, they still find a way to have fun," Sahasi joked. "Definitely a match made by the kings," Ananda smiled.

Rani started to gain on Kion, which shocked her, because she was pregnant. Kion looked back, Rani was gaining on him. He tried to run faster, but Rani kept getting closer.

Rani tumbled into Kion. She firmly pinned him down. "Now you have to catch me food for a week once this is over," Rani smirked. "Ok fine," Kion sighed. Rani chuckled. She got off Kion.

Rani looked at the stars, and sighed. "Hey what's wrong?" Kion asked. "Well, tomorrow you fight, and I'm scared that I might lose you," Rani replied.

"Rani, you could never lose me," Kion said. Rani cried in her paws. "Rani listen to me," Kion said. Rani just cried. Kion took his paw and put it under her chin, and made her look him in the eyes.

"Rani, I will use all of my power to make sure I come back alive," Kion said. Rani looked down, "Koa is strong. And when he threw you against that rock, I could see his power. Kion I don't think you should fight him alone," Rani said.

"He may be strong, but I have your love making me stronger," Kion smirked. Rani smiled and hugged him tightly. "Please come back to me alive," Rani begged.

"I will, don't worry," Kion replied as he hugged her back.

Rani wiped away her tears. She chuckled lightly. "What?" Kion asked. "There's a big spider on your tail," Rani said. Kion turned around. His eyes widened in horror.

Kion had a huge fear of big spiders, but this one was huge.

"Ahhh!" Kion ran around like a zebra that was 'panicking and running'. Rani chuckled. She never thought Kion would be scared of something.

Kion tried to shake the spider off his tail, but the spider had a death grip. Kion ran around screaming.

Rani stood infront of Kion. "Hold still, I'll get it," Rani batted the spider off Kion's tail. Kion sighed with relief.

Rani chuckled and kissed Kion's cheek. "C'mon tough guy, you need to rest," Rani chuckled. Kion layed down and pulled Rani into a cuddle.

Kion and Rani: Peace Brought Us Together (Book 3 Of 3)Where stories live. Discover now