Chapter 7: Don't Tell And Weakness

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The next day, Rani didn't even try to argue with Kion. She knew she would lose.

Kion, the lion guard, Night pride, and Sahasi went to stalk the Conquer Pride for one more day. Ananda stayed with Rani.

Rani continued to throw up each morning. Ananda got suspicious of her, as she had done the same thing when she was pregnant.

Ananda walked up to Rani. "Rani, are you ok?" Ananda asked. "Yup, totally fine," Rani replied. Ananda raised an eyebrow. "Rani, are you pregnant?" Ananda asked.

Rani's eye's shot open. "Pfft no, what makes you think that," Rani chuckled nervously. "You throw up every morning, I see you holding your stomach in's pretty obvious to a lioness who has already been pregnant," Ananda explained.

"Alright, I am, but you can't tell Kion. I'm not sure if he even wants cubs," Rani said. "Don't worry, my lips are sealed," Ananda chuckled.

Rani sighed, "Thanks mom." Ananda nuzzled her.

Kion was on the east side of Priderock, along with Sahasi, and Baliyo. The rest of the night Pride was on the west, Bunga, Beshte and Ono were on the south, Fuli and Anga to the north.

Kion noticed something. A lioness was walking up to Koa. "She's gonna be killed!" Baliyo whispered. But, the lioness nuzzled Koa, and he nuzzled her back.

"I think we may have just found a weakness," Kion smirked.

Kion and Rani: Peace Brought Us Together (Book 3 Of 3)Where stories live. Discover now