Chapter 20: Kovu's Bravery

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"Kovu you can't go in there!" Kiara shouted. "I want to see for myself if Raja is there or not," Kovu replied.

"I won't let you go. You could die!" Kiara shouted. "Im not going to die," Kovu chuckled. "This isn't funny. You're risking your life, and yet your making jokes!" Kiara shouted.

"Hey I'm a funny guy," Kovu shrugged. Kiara raised an eyebrow. "Fine I'll let you go," Kiara sighed. "Thanks," Kovu smiled and ran off toward Priderock. The sun started to rise.

Kion and Rani walked back to their parents, exhausted. "Wow you guys must have ran a lot to be this exhausted," Simba said. Kion and Rani smirked at each other, "You could say that," Kion said.

"Have Kiara and Kovu came back?" Rani asked. "Only Kiara. She said Kovu has a feeling that Koa has Raja, so he's going to Priderock," Nala explained.

"Oh jeez. Alright, im going to. Raja is my son, I need to find him as well," Kion said. "But you were just looking for him a night?" Ananda asked. "Right, I was," Kion looked around nervous. Rani chuckled, but made sure his and her parents didn't see or hear it.

"Shouldn't you take a rest?" Sahasi suggested. Kion looked at Rani, "I trust Kovu. Let's let him do it this time," Rani said. Kion nodded. Kion grabbed Sawa, and layed next to her, with Rani.

Kovo stalked around the Pridelands, making sure he didn't get caught. As Kovu got closer to Priderock, it got harder to hide. There were so many lions around here.

Kovu got an idea. He would pretend to be one of them. Kovu walked out, and kept his head held high, acting like he ruled the place, which after this war, and Simba and Nala retire, he would.

No lions even looked at him with a questioning glance. They just walked right by him. Kovu realized, Koa would most likely be inside Priderock. He got another idea.

Kovh ran up to a random lion, acting panicked. "Tell Koa that a lion is threatening his position as leader at the south border!" Kovu shouted. The lion ran to Priderock. Kovu hid in grass, waiting for Koa to walk out. After a few moments, he did.

When Kovu was sure the coast was clear, he quietly walked into the den of Priderock.

Kovu looked around. Kovu almost tripped over something. He looked down and saw, Raja! Raja jumped up and growled at him.

"Raja, I'm here to save you," Kovu said. "Raja? Who's a Raja?" Raja asked, "My name is Zorro."

Kovu was flabbergasted. This was Raja, he knew it, yet Raja was saying his name was Zorro.

"C'mon, let's bring you to your parents," Kovu said. "No! My parents abandoned me!" Raja shouted. Kovu looked at him confused, "No they didn't. You were stolen by Koa. Your mom and dad have been looking non-stop for you," Kovu explained.

Raja attacked Kovu. "Im not leaving! I'm happy here!" Raja growled. Koa walked into the den.

"Well well well, what do we have here huh?" Koa smirked evilly. "This lion tried to take me!" Raja shouted. "Don't worry Zorro, Kovu will be the demonstration of what happens when someone messes with the Conquor Pride," Koa extended his claws, and slowly approached Kovu.

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