Chapter 11: Just The Beginning

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Kion woke up, cuddled next to Rani. He put his paw to her stomach. He shot up. "Why does her stomach feel....different?" Kion asked. Though he was just asking himself.

Rani woke up to someone touching her stomach. "Morning Kion," Rani smiled. "Rani, I'm concerned. Your stomach doesn't feel normal," Kion said with a worried expression.

"Nirmala said I was fine Kion," Rani turned around, facing him. "I'm contemplating on if she is a good healer or not," Kion replied. Rani chuckled.

"Kion, I feel fine, and Nirmala said I was fine." "Ok so why does your stomach feel weird then huh?" Kion raised an eyebrow.

"To much to eat," Rani replied. "Oh I guess that makes sense. But, if you have any pain, even if it's nothing, I'm taking you back to the tree," Kion said.

"I'm not just going to randomly have pain. I'm healthy," Rani said. "Yes, but anything could happen," Kion shrugged. Rani kissed him, "I'll be fine. If you worry about me when you fight, you'll lose concentration."

"Any time I see you I lose concentration," Kion smirked. He pinned Rani down gently and kissed her. "Kion your so sweet," Rani smiled. Kion nuzzled her.

Kion got off Rani. "Oh, it's time to go," Kion said. "Please come back alive," Rani begged. "Don't I always?" Kion smirked. "No. No not really," Rani replied. They nuzzled, and Kion ran off, joining the lion guard, Night pride, and Sahasi. Once again, Ananda stayed with Rani.

Rani watched as they ran to Priderock. She shed a few tears. Ananda nuzzled her, "They will come back." "But what if they don't! Kion is going to be fighting Koa all by himself! I can't believe I even agreed to let him do that!" Rani cried.

"He has his way with winning arguments," Ananda replied. Rani hugged her mom, and cried into her fur.

Kion, the Night Pride, lion guard, and Sahasi got ready to attack.

They were going to kill one at a time, but they were never alone. The Couquor Pride stayed in groups no matter what.

"Alright, we will just have to charge into the attack," Kion said. Everyone nodded, completely ignoring Rani's words.

They all charged into battle. The lions weren't expecting this, and Sahasi took a few down. Kion noticed Koa ontop of Priderock. Kion growled and ran to him.

But, Kion didn't check his surroundings. As he ran to Priderock, he was flown against the ground, and knocked out cold.

Kion was then dragged to Koa.....

To be continued.....

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