Chapter 2: Baby Bottle BLOOPERS

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Author-chan: "Alright, time to create this abomination of a chapter we call Baby Bottle. I just hope it doesn't get after me..." *Turns around to see Baby Bottle, standing there menacingly* "SEND HELP-!"


Y/N: "Baby calls me mama then giggles?" *Reads the script further then looks at Author-chan with an annoyed look* "Do I have to be in this scene?"

Author-chan: "The script is not called "Cuphead X Reader" for nothing. I need something to help...spice up this bit."

Y/N: "I don't know. Am I really gonna let a demonic baby call me its mama? I don't even know the first thing about parenthood."

Mugman: "That's where I come in, remember?"

Author-chan: "Yep. Then all hell breaks loose."

*Cast looks at me with sweat dripping down their brows*

Mugman: "It's not the Devil, is it?"

Author-chan: "You guys need to read more books often or have an education system."


Everest: "So how come the reader, or Y/N if you prefer, can't use her destruction magic?"

Author-chan: "It'd be way too violent and I don't want anyone to say, "OMG, that's too OP!" or some stuff like that. Plus this is a baby we're talking about. Sure, it's...other worldly but a baby is a baby. Can't let this book be rated M."

Everest: "Then...what would rate this book?"

Author-chan: "...rated R, I guess." 😐


Y/N: "Alright baby, I'm gonna carefully juggle you along with other magical balls I'm gonna summon, ok?"

*Baby giggles in agreement. Y/N juggles Baby along with several colorful balls she summoned. The cup brothers ooo and awe at the sight*

Cuphead: "That's my Y/N for ya."

Y/N: "Cuppy, we're not a couple yet in this chapter." 😑

Cuphead: "Then when are we going to be a couple? It feels like it's been months."

Author-chan: *shouts from the break room* "Once I finish the draft!! It's very long!"

*Cups and Y/N groaned with impatience and annoyance*


C & M: "Back so soon, dearest Kettle?"

Y/N: "Why yes, am but a humble old man returning to my nephews/boys from a long trip." *Wearing a mustache, a top hat and glasses while trying to sound like an old man*

*Cups and Mugs lost it as they laughed, making Y/N laugh too*

Author-chan: "Cut!"


C & M: "Back so soon, dearest Kettle?"

Y/N: "Who is this Kettle you speak of?" *Wearing a devil costume, trying to sound evil* "I've only come for your soul!" *Pretends to stab Cups with a prop pitchfork*

Cuphead: "Oh no, I've been stabbed! Blood is everywhere!" *Pretends to die making Mugs laugh a bit*

Author-chan: "Cut!!"

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