Side Story: Go The Distance (Y/N version)

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A/N: I decided not to do the Blooper reel of "Ghosts Ain't Real". I can't think of anything funny or fun to do so here's another side story.

I can't help but listen to this song a lot. It pushed me a whole lot to keep writing & creating scenarios for these chapters in my other book.

So feel free to give this music a listen first then begin this side story. Enjoy!

Cover by Annapantsu

Disclaimer: Dread, angst & minor cussing. (& Possible cringe)


During Season 2: After the event of the Dark Knight

Before the High Seas Adventure

I sighed as I rolled out of bed, waiting for the day to give me the punishment I deserve. I know Cuphead had said I should forgive myself, love myself etc.

But that's been getting hard to do since that fateful event. It felt like everyone was going to hate me for what I had done...

I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes and got out of bed, looking out the window to see that all is well. Birds were chirping happily, the forest was lush with life and everything seems to be okay.

At least for now...

I made my way down the stairs to be greeted by Mugman.

Mugman: "Y/N, good morning! How'd you sleep?" He said with a smile, hoping it would affect me.

"Mm...fine, I guess." I averted my gaze away from him, not wanting to make eye contact. Mugs only frowned at this.

Mugman: "You're still not hung up about that...event, are you?" He asked with little hesitation.

I sank a little and made my way to the kitchen, not wanting to continue this conversation.

Mugman: "Ok...we'll continue this later. I don't mind at all." He said, rushing after me to the kitchen as well.

Why does he even bother to welcome me or greet me in the morning? I've barely been here for a day and he's already trying to get me out of my shell? I don't deserve it...

When I arrived, I saw Cups sitting on the chair at the kitchen table, reading what seems to be an Adventure genre comic. I see where he gets these kinds of ideas for adventures now.

I made my way to sit down at the table as well, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Well, except for Cuphead since he had comforted me last night with my anxiety and my troubling dread. But he seemed to indulge in his comic book.

E.K.: "Good morning, Y/N. Glad you all arrived on time because breakfast is ready." He said warmly with a smile and presented us with our breakfast.

Cuphead: "Awesome! Breakfast is served!" He put down his comic book and began to gobble it down.

Mugman began eating his breakfast in a more mannered way while I just stared at my plate with empty eyes, not feeling right in the stomach.

E.K.: "What's wrong, Y/N? You don't like it?" He asked with worry.

"Huh-? Oh no, no! It's perfect. I'm sure if I'm hungry..." Other than that, I just wasn't sure if my stomach can endure this kind of anxiety and sadness that I'm going through.

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