Chapter 1

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Akaashi's POV

Work. Was what my father answered me with when I asked the meaning of life. Work he said, so you can earn money to help the ones you love achieve happiness. Love. Was what my mother answered me with when I asked the meaning of life. Love she said, so you can create a family to surround yourself in happiness. My sister babbled as I asked her the meaning of life. Of course she was only a baby so I expected it.

Love, my best friend answered when I asked the meaning of life. Love he said, so you have somebody to grow old with. That was what he said before he met my family.

First you have to understand where I'm coming from. I am the only son of one of the richest families in Japan. Son of course, I have three younger sisters. And I am engaged to be married to one of my father's employees who also happens to be my best friend. Not too long after I came out as gay to my family they met him. Bokuto Koutarou if you're wondering. My parents having been an arranged marriage decided to go the same route with me. Not that I minded though. But I'm having conflicted feelings. I love Bokuto sure, but there are a couple other boys I have my eyes on.

I was glad my parents didn't safeguard who I hung out with based on their second gender. I was an omega which surprisingly never caused an issue. Bokuto is an alpha. My father is an omega and my mother an alpha. Though it's a bit confusing, my father bore my three sisters while my mother bore me.

Kenma's POV

I didn't mind being an accountants son. It still allowed me to do normal things and nobody questioned what an accountant does. Most people left me alone anyways. I make my living out of streaming, to which my parents are supportive of. I've even had one of my fathers play in a stream with me. I didn't leave the house much. When I did it was usually an errand, and I would get hit on because old men thought I was a girl. Which was gross. It disgusted me that men think of women the way they do. And if they couldn't tell I was an alpha to begin with, they sure did after realizing that I in fact am not a girl.

On the other hand I had a sister. A twin sister at that. I refused to let her go anywhere without me. Not that she opposed anyways. She's an omega. As a kid we were both pretty athletically active, but as we got older she started loosing a lot of her muscle mass. She has a condition that kills her muscles from a pheromone imbalance. Luckily there were other cases like this so there were medications she could try. We finally found one that helps, but she still has her bad days.

Doctor says she can do anything she wants, but she prefers myself or one of our dads with her when she goes out.

"Kozume," I turned as my sister came in the kitchen.

"Good morning Luna," my father went over and gave her a hug. "Kozume, can you help your sister with her physical therapy?"

"Yeah. By the way, food and meds are on the table," I ruffled her hair as she came over. I held out my hands and cycled through the same routine we'd followed for years. "Squeeze. Pull. Push, push. Fist bump," she giggled and rolled her eyes, giving me a fist bump.

She held her head and closed her eyes.

"Luna?" My father turned to the kitchen from where he was sitting. Her face twisted into a grimace.

"Luna?" I held out my arms. She slowly grabbed my arms without opening her eyes.

"Honey is the medication giving you a headache again?" My other father started reading over the prescription on her bottle of pills.

"Luna?" I craned my head down to see her face. She cried out and starting sinking to the ground. I sunk down with her, both of our fathers ran over.

"Luna! Honey what's wrong?!"

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