Chapter 3

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Kenma's POV

Luna had finally fallen asleep so I went into my room to relax. I had completely forgot I was going out with Bokuto and Kuroo tonight, even though I had just talked to Kuroo about it. I sighed and went over to my closet. My wardrobe consisted of sweat pants, hoodies, a few of Kuroo's t-shirts and a few sets of fancy clothes. 

I dug to the very back and pulled out a pair of jeans. I slipped them on and was actually really surprised they fit me. Last time I wore them I couldn't get them buttoned, and now they were pretty loose around my waist. 

I grumbled realizing I was going to have drive there. I had a license and a car, I just hated driving. I grabbed my phone and my keys and went to leave. 


"Yeah?" I closed my door and went to where my dad was calling me. 

"Tetsurou-Chan is here for you," he gestured to the door from where he was standing in the kitchen. 

"Come on Ken! I knew you weren't gonna want to drive," he swung his keys around his finger. 

"I would've been just fine driving on my own," I mumbled, setting my keys on the counter. 

"Sure sure, come on. Bye Kozume-San!" 

"Bye Tetsurou-Chan, be safe."

"We will," Kuroo slung his arm around my shoulder as we walked to his car. Once we reached his car he opened the door for me and went around the the drivers side of the car. "So Kitten, any plans for tomorrow?" Kitten was the name he called me when we were alone. And only when we were alone. 

"The usual," I shrugged, "probably gonna stream for a few hours."

"Fun fun," Kuroo nodded. "What did you do today?" 

"Sat with Luna and played Smash Bros until she feel asleep. You?" 

"Work. Not as busy as usual which I was thankful for," he commented.

"Mmm," I pulled out my phone and opened a mobile game. Once we made it to the bar, Kuroo put the car in park. 



"Have you eaten today?" 

"Yeah, I think so..." I tried to remember if I had eaten anything today, but this boss was about to kill me so I couldn't advert my thought too much. 

"Kitten~" he reached over and grabbed my chin, turning my face towards him. He grabbed my phone with his other hand and turned it off. "Have you eaten today?" He repeated. 

"No..." I swallowed hard, my face increasingly getting hotter. I grabbed his wrist, trying to pry it away from my face. He kissed the tip of my nose, making me freeze up. 

"You need to eat, Kitten. You gotta take care of yourself. Will you get something when we go inside?" 

"Kuroo," I whined. 

"Kitten, please?" 

"Okay, fine," I sighed. 

"Kitten?" I don't know what it was. Maybe it was the way he said it, but I just melted in his touch whenever he called me by the pet name. I looked him in the eyes. "Can I kiss you?" My breath caught in my throat. 

We had kissed before, but it was when we were younger and it was awkward. Or at least that was the first time, the most recent was when we got black out drunk at his birthday party and made out in his pantry. I shakily nodded. He leaned in, pausing before he fully connected our lips. 

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