Chapter 8

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Kuroo's POV

As soon as I walked it, the entire house seemed off. I threw my keys in a dish by the door and took off my shoes. The house was eerily silent as I walked farther in. I heard a bang and paused. Fear coursed through my body. Nobody but my mother was supposed to be in the house. My father as far as I knew was across the country with another woman.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a wooden spoon. I felt like a child who was left home alone. I quietly made my way to my mother's room and opened the door. I saw two figures, but wasn't able to make out which one was my mother so I turned on the light. I freaked out, seeing somebody hovering over my mother. I threw the spoon at the person catching all of us off guard. My mother screamed.

"Ow!" The person I threw the spoon at ended up being a guy. He held his hand up to his head where the spoon hit him. I went over and yanked him out of the bed, throwing him across the room.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I curled my lip in disgust. "Thinking just because an Omega is in heat you can prey on them?" I squatted in front of him.

"Tetsurou!" I turned my attention back to my mother who was now sitting up with a blanket wrapped around her. "That's Hoshi. He's one of my coworkers," she sighed, holding her head in her hands. I got up and retrieved the spoon and went back to the kitchen. I wasn't embarrassed. But I still had anger coursing through me and I needed to calm down my pheromones.

I pulled out ingredients for ramen and turned on music. I got in the zone when I cooked which was helpful for me. I stopped only when my mother and Hoshi came in. The only difference was the two were fully clothed. I pulled an ice pack out of the freezer and handed it to Hoshi. He hesitated before grabbing it.


"I'm Tetsurou," I continued to cook. "That's my mother." I motioned my head towards my mom who was now in the kitchen.

"I'm Itaki Hoshi. I work with your mom at the hospital. I'm-I'm a beta. By the way," he adjusted the ice pack.

"This is not what I had in mind for you two meeting," my mother laughed nervously. "Kuroo. Um, I've been seeing Hoshi for some time now."

"Are you two getting married or something?"

"Uh, no. Not exactly. But we have talked about him moving in," I looked over at my mother who was standing next to Hoshi with her hand on his shoulder. I stuck my hand out to him. 

"I'm sorry for throwing a spoon at your head," he shook my hand. 

"I'm sorry for freaking you out."

"Just know that I'd do it again in a heartbeat," I smirked. My mother sharply smacked the back of my head. 

"Just know that you live under my roof, and you will do nothing of the sort," she narrowed her eyes at me. 

"No promises," I shrugged, tending back to my food. "Would you like a bowl of ramen Itaki-San?"

"Yeah, sure."

"What toppings do you want?"

"Whatever you want to put on it, I'm not picky."

"I like him already," I nodded to my mother. 

"I'm gonna go lay down, my suppressants are starting to wear off," my mom put her hand to her forehead. 

"I'll come with you," Hoshi set the ice pack on the counter. 

"I'll bring you guys food later," they nodded and quickly sped off. I made myself a bowl and left the rest of the noodles on the stove at low heat. I went into the living room and turned on the TV. It was the news so it wasn't that interesting, but I turned up the volume just to have some background noise. 

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