Chapter 13

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Bokuto's POV 

I woke up to Keiji throwing up in the other room. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and made my way over to him. 

"You okay?" I kneeled down next to him and rubbed his back. He nodded. 

"Think I overworked myself yesterday," he spit before flushing the toilet and going over to the sink to rinse his mouth. 

"Yeah, we also went on a date right after your case. You probably should've went to sleep. Or maybe you're close to your heat."

"True. But I hate that it starts the week before our wedding," he groaned. 

"You sure you want to have the conversation with everybody today?"

"I just want to sleep," he yawned. He quickly brushed his teeth and followed me back to the room. I laid down and pulled him on top of me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and snuggled against me. 

When I woke up in the morning, Keiji was peacefully sleeping. I went to ease myself out of the bed, but he clung onto me tighter. I waited until he relaxed again and slowly slipped from his grasp. I quickly used the bathroom and went to the kitchen. Even though Keiji was a better cook than me, I usually had Akasuki help me. She was sitting at the kitchen counter nose-deep in a book. 

"You want to make breakfast?" 

"Hold on," she held up a finger. We both went silent. She then sighed and closed the book. "Ok, I'm good now." She grabbed a recipe book from the cabinet and handed it to me. "What do you want to make?"

"Not sure," I shrugged. I watched as she flipped through the pages. "That one," I pointed to an image of soufflé pancake. 

"Okay," Akasuki set the book down on the counter and started grabbing ingredients. Once we started finishing up, Iku and Hayami came down the hall. 

"Hey littles! Hungry?" 

"Mhm," Iku nodded, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. 

"Well Akasuki make some Fuwafuwa pancakes if you want to sit down." Iku and Hayami went and sat at their spots at the table and waited patiently for their older sister to bring the plates to the table. 

"Where's Keiji?" Akasuki looked over her shoulder as she washed the dishes. 

"Still in bed," I said, drying the dishes she handed me. 

"This late into the morning? Never known him for that." She shrugged. 

"I'll go see if he's up." I made my way down the hall back to Keiji and I's room. I slid under the covers behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist. "Hey baby~" I nipped at his neck. 

"Mmm," he groaned, snuggling closer to me. 

"How are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess."

"We're gonna get married in a month," I giggled. "Keiji, earlier you said that you'd hate to start your heat the week before the wedding. But have you had one this month?"

"Yeah, I had one sometime last week. You were at work, and it didn't last more than a few hours."

"Ohh, that's good," I nodded. "Ready to talk to Kuroo and Kenma?" He was silent for a little bit. I thought he had fallen back asleep. 

"I'm not sure if I'm ready to make such a big commitment. It's scary. I love Kuroo and Kenma, but we've only dated for a month. Kenma and I have known each other our whole lives. But Kuroo. Sure there was sexual gratification, and he's a great person, but would he be able to help raise a family?"

"I see where you're coming from. And even though I can't sway your mind about Kuroo, he's my best friend. Other than you of course. But I'd trust him with my life. I can't say the same for Kenma. Only because the shorter amount of time I've known him. Can't always be a winning situation. But that's okay. Just gotta think what will be good for you in the long-run. Could include what's for the good of the people in your life and around you, but what's best for you personally always comes first." I moved my arms as Keiji shifted to face me. 

"I love you," he smiled. I giggled, pulling him close to me. 

"I love you too," I kissed his forehead, smiling. We both sat up, somebody knocking at the bedroom door. 

"Still in bed?" Kuroo came into the room, yelling. Kenma grimaced from behind him. He closed the door behind the both of them as they came in. "Shirtless, just how I like you," Kuroo smirked as he walked up to me. He loosely wrapped his hand around my throat and guided me up to meet his lips. He swung his leg over to where his knee was in between my legs. 

"Could you try not to fuck Bokuto-San as soon as we walk through the door," Kenma groaned, pulling Kuroo off of me. I looked over at Keiji who looked zoned out. I grabbed him, pulling him to sit in between my legs. I started biting at the part of his shoulder that was exposing, leaving a little hickey. 

"Ohh, so they can do that, but I can't kiss him?"

"Kuroo," Kenma side-eyed him. 

"Sorry Kittennnn," Kuroo tried his best to give an innocent smile. 

"Sure you are," Kenma grumbled. 

"Premarital sex? That's kinda gay of you Bokubro," Kuroo shrugged. 

"I'm gonna go shower," Keiji groaned, trying to get up. 

"Noooo," I whined I tightened my grip around his waist, anchoring him in place. 

"I'm sensing this is not a conversation you want right now," Kuroo leaned closer to Keiji, and propped himself up on his arm. "Am I wrong, Omega?" I tensed up a bit, Omega was something that I used with Keiji. Not that I was opposed to Kuroo using it, but I felt somewhat possessive over it. Keiji relaxed against my chest. "No?" Kuroo hooked his finger under Keiji's chin. I grabbed Keiji's face and smashed my lips against his. 

"Before this ends in an orgy, what is the verdict?" Kenma crossed his arms over his chest. 

"I thought this went pretty well," Kuroo looked around at the rest of us, looking for some form of confirmation. 

"I think it was good as well," I looked between Kenma and Keiji. 

"It was good," Keiji cleared his throat. 

"It was good I guess," Kenma shrugged. 

"So what now?" Keiji looked at Kuroo. 

"Do we all get married?" Kenma looked at Kuroo as well. 

"I think that's something that should be up to Keiji and Koutarou." Kuroo cleared his throat. Keiji pushed off my arms and ran to the bathroom, throwing up again. I got up and brushed past Kuroo and Kenma who were hesitant to get up. 

"I didn't mean to dump so much on you so soon. Sorry Keiji," Kuroo frowned, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"It's up to Koutarou," Keiji laid his arm across the seat and rested his head against his arm. 

"I think this is something you guys should go talk to Keiji's parents about, since they arranged our marriage," I looked over at Kuroo and Kenma who were staring at each other in the doorway. 

"Okay," Kuroo nodded. "C'mon," he grabbed Kenma's hand and started dragging him down the hall. 

"I think you should probably rest some more," I helped Keiji back to bed and ran down to the kitchen to grab water and saltine crackers. I set the two on the bed side table and went into the bathroom, grabbing a washcloth and soaking it in water. I wrung the water out, then laid it across Keiji's forehead. 

I walked over to the closet and got dressed for work. I grabbed one of my t-shirts and draped it over Keiji before I left. 

"Text me if you need anything. And I mean anything. Okay?" He yawned, nodding. 

"I made an appointment at the doctors for later today. I'm going to sleep for a little until then."

"Okay," I exhaled. "I love you," I kissed Keiji's forehead before running out to get in our car. 

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