Chapter 17

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Bokuto's POV 


"Yes Bokuto-San?" 

"You about ready to leave?"

"Almost, I'll be out in a second." Akaashi and I were going on our last date together before our wedding with Kuroo and Kenma. Akaashi had invited them, but they had previous obligations. We still decided to go regardless. Akaashi came out of the bathroom and adjusted the cuffs on his shirt sleeves. 

"You ready?" I nodded, looking him up and down. He had a long sleeve shirt, and his nice jeans on. He smiled and looked away, going to look for his shoes. He came back with the car keys, and a bag. He went and stood over in our bedroom doorway, waiting for me. 

"Let me drive you owl," I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. 

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am. You were so good winning your case yesterday, you deserve prince treatment," I kissed his cheek and grabbed the car keys.  

"Oh yeah?" I nodded vigorously. 

"You smell so good," I buried my face in his scent gland. 

"Really? I didn't put on any cologne."

"It's a bit different from your normal scent. It's like...a mix of your scent and another. But your scent is faint." 

"Is that bad?"

"Of course not! You always smell great," I leaned over and kissed Akaashi's forehead. 

I held my arm for him to which he snickered. He smiled warmly, grabbing my arm and following me out of the house. I opened his car door and let him get situated before going around to the other side of the car. 

"What's the bag for?" I asked curiously as I drove down the street. 

"You'll see."

"Birthday gift?"

"More so a wedding gift," I nodded. I reached my hand over and rested it on his thigh. 

"I see. And where are we eating this afternoon my prince?"

"Wherever you like," he shrugged. 

"No no, it's not up to me-"

"Then why don't we both decide on a place. What are you craving?" 

"Pasta. You?"

"I'm also craving pasta. We could go to the pasta place down the street from the grocery store."

"Works for me," I turned down the street and drove for a few more minutes before parking in a parking garage. Akaashi grabbed my arm again as we walked down the street to the restaurant, his other hand occupied by the bag. This earned us a few looks from the other people walking down the street. Once we reached the restaurant, I opened the door and followed Akaashi inside. 

"Hello! Welcome in. How may I help you today?"

"Good afternoon! Do you have a table for two available?"

"We certainly do," the waitress grabbed a couple of menus and wrapped utensils and guided us to a table. "Here you are. I'll bring you guys a couple of waters." The waitress scurried off after showing us our table. I pulled out Akaashi's chair and waited for him to sit down before I did. 

"To get the topic out of the way, how has work been?" 

"Good. Pretty slow, which is good in a sense," I shrugged. "Kogenagawa was out for a while because his mate had a baby. So he's getting used to being back at work. How about you?" I tried to keep it short because I tended to start talking and not stop talking which annoyed a lot of people. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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