Chapter 12

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would like to start by apologizing for the suddenly weird update schedule. i have exams coming up, and the prep is kicking my butt. i've been really behind with my schoolwork because of sports so im also trying to keep up with that. but yeah, i'm trying. so, sorry. 

Kuroo's POV 

Kuroo watched as Kenma stared at him. 

"You gonna come back here?"

"What do you mean?" Kenma looked through the driver and passenger windows. 

"I mean, we still have a bit of time before they get here if you want to have some fun," I smirked, watching his face flash different emotions. 

"What is your definition of fun?" Kenma deadpanned me as I reached for him. "We are in a box of windows."

"I mean you could come in here and we could have fun," I ruffled my messy hair even more. 

"Kuroo!" Kenma's face flushed red. 

"I have window tint. Why not have a little fun? I can make it quick," I offered. Kenma slid into the backseat and sat on the opposite side of me. 

"I don't trust you."

"Super fast," I smirked. 

"No," Kenma shook his head. 

"No what?"

"I'll do you," this had caught me off guard. Kenma isn't a very confident person to begin with, but with him asking me like this right now, given the circumstance, I'll take my chances. 

"You' me? As in?"

"Give you a quickie." Kenma looked cautiously through the windows. 

"A quickie?" I ran my tongue over my teeth. 

"Kuroo, just agree before I change my mind," Kenma ran his fingers through his hair. 

"You sure you don't want a quickie? You look like you need one," I ran my hands up his thighs. 

"Not now, I haven't gone into a rut in a while and I don't really want to start now," he started tying his hair into a pony. "Are you in or not?"

"I mean I'm not in yet but I could be," I ghosted my hands over his throat. 

"God shut up," Kenma leaned forward and kissed me. I let Kenma take over as he straddled my lap. I held onto his hips as he rocked up to kiss me. He slowly scooted off of my lap and onto the floor in front of me. I undid the zipper of my pants and pulled my pants and boxers down enough to expose my dick. Kenma looked at me before wrapped a hand around and slowly pumping. 

"You're hard," Kenma commented. 

"No shit, your hands are soft. And you're touching me," I turned to look out the window. He licked over the tip, catching me by surprise. I arched my back and grabbed the headrest. 

"Stop moving," Kenma slid his hands up my thighs and pressed my back against the seat. He leaned back closer and took my entire cock into his mouth. I took a deep breath as he slowly dragged his tongue against the side while he pulled off. He gingerly kissed the tip a few times before sliding it back in his mouth. 

"Shit Kitten..." I dug my fingers into the headrest. "God you feel so good," I reached a shaky hand out to grab his head. He smirked and continued to lick and suck. "I'm gonna-" I gripped his hair and pulled him against me. He tightened his grip on my thighs as I came in his mouth. 

"Shit shit shit...holy shit. Oh my god. I'm sorry, it felt so good," I released my grip and he pulled away. I used my thumbs so wipe the tears that had accumulated in the outer corners of his eyes. 

I pulled down his lower lip and traced my thumb over his tongue. 

"You don't have to swallow it. I have a bag in my glove box," Kenma pulled back and swallowed with a sour expression. I pulled up my boxers and zipped my pants back up. 

"Salty," he said with a hoarse voice. He cleared his throat. "I hope you didn't smudge my eyeliner," he glared at me from where he was sitting. "You came just from a short blowjob." Kenma grinned. 

"And holy shit did it feel great," I leaned down and kissed him. I ran my thumb over Kenma's canines. They were sharp and cat-like. 

"Get your fingers out of my mouth," Kenma swatted my hands away. I grabbed him by his waist and pulled him up to straddle my lap. I wrapped my arms around him as I hungrily kissed him. I slipped my hands into the waistband of his boxers. He mumbled something against my mouth. He both froze as somebody knocked on the driver window. Kenma leaned back and sighed in relief. 

"It's Bo," he leaned his head against my shoulder. 

"You ready?" He nodded against my shoulder. "I'm sorry for cumming in your mouth. I'll let you get whatever you want to drink inside, how's that sound?" 


"Yeah? Okay," I gave Kenma another kiss before opening the door and letting him out. 

"Didn't know you two were in the back! Your windows are so tinted."

"Why were you two in the back?" Akaashi raised his eyebrow as they walked inside the restaurant. 

"Probably making out," Bokuto shrugged, throwing an arm around Akaashi's shoulder. 

"Something like that," Kenma mumbled and looked over at me. Once we got to our table, we slid into the booth and order drinks. I ran my hand along Kenma's thigh as we sat and held casual conversation. 

Kenma and I mostly sat in silence as Akaashi talked to Bokuto. 

"Everything okay?" I asked. 

"Yeah, just asking Bokuto-San how he's feeling," Akaashi looked over at Bokuto. 

"I had to take medicine earlier," Bokuto nervously chuckled. "But I've been doing good without it, today was just a little harder than most days."

"You don't have to explain yourself, Bokuto. We get it, we all have our good and bad days," Kenma shrugged. It honestly surprised me slightly with how subtle and slightly personal he was being. His comment made Bokuto beam. His smile was contagious as he latched onto Kenma. 

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