Chapter 14

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Keiji's POV

I turned over and faced the window as Bokuto left the room. I had been feeling like absolute crud for the past 5-6 weeks, and I hated being babied, especially when I was sick. So I've been trying to hide it from my family, particularly Bokuto.

After an hour of just laying there, I finally got up and got ready for the day. When I got downstairs, my parents were sitting at the table with my sisters.

"Keiji dear, come sit for a moment," my mother beckoned me over to the other side of the table across from my parents where Akasuki was sitting. I took a seat beside her and faced my parents.

"Your mother has an appointment with the gynecologist to check on a couple things we have concerns about. We just want you to take Akasuki , and the twins with you if you leave the house today."

"I have an appointment in a little less than an hour. Can't they just stay here?"

"We'd prefer you to take them with you. What is the appointment for?" Akara looked between Akasuki and I. Akasuki shook her head.

"I've just been feeling a little under the weather recently, so I wanted to get it checked to make sure it's nothing," I shrugged.

"Ahh, I see," Renjiro nodded. "Normally we'd ask Mito to come sit, but he's out on vacation, and the Kozume's are out for something concerning their daughter's health."

"It's fine, I can take them."

My mother nodded. "Okay, thank you darling. We have to leave now since the doctor is so far, but we'll let you know what's going on once we get there."

"Okay," my mother hugged Akasuki and I, then left with my father.

"Okay, I'm gonna start leaving in the next 15 minutes. Can you make sure the twins are dressed and ready?"

"Yeah, I guess," Akasuki trudged down the hall to the twin's room. I quickly made a cup of coffee and put it in a cup that I could carry around. I read through the magazine my father had left on the table then went to go check on Akasuki and the twins. Once I got to the room, I saw Akasuki listening to Iku babble as she helped Hayami put socks on.

"You guys ready to go?" I leaned against the door frame.

"Yes!" Iku jumped off the bed and came over to me with her arms up. I picked her up, and rested her on my hip.

"Yeah," Akasuki had Hayami get on her back and made her way to the car. I followed in suit. Once we got to the car, we strapped the twins into their carseats, then hopped in the front seats.

"You wanna pick the music?" I handed my phone to Akasuki.

"Sure," she shrugged, scrolling through my music library. "Keiji, you are a freak," she chortled.

"What are you talking about? Are you going through my messages?"

"No! Your music library. Why, what's in your messages...?"

"Nothing, just turn something on," I pushed my glasses farther up the bridge of my nose and adjusted my grip on the steering wheel. Akasuki snickered before finally turning something on and setting my phone in the cupholder.

"So. What is this appointment actually for? You've contracted an STD?"

"Ew, 'Suki that's gross. And no, I did not," I shook my head in disgust. "I've just been feeling sick for a while, and it's been long enough to where I'm a little concerned."

"Ahh," Akasuki nodded. The rest of the drive was pretty quiet until we got to the doctors office.

Once I parked the car, I grabbed Hayami's hand and walked with her inside, Aksuki with Iku following closely behind.

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