Chapter 15

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TW: Mentions of ED and feeding tube. 

Kenma's POV 

I watched as Luna looked around the hospital room. She was absolutely restless. She hated being cooped up in the hospital. She had been released about a week ago, but she needed to come in for a follow up. She picked at the ends of her hair, the blue long since faded. I remembered the day vividly that she had came up to me in the store with a box of hair dye. The color "electric blue". I shrugged, I bleached my hair a lot when I was younger so it wouldn't be a challenge for me. 

I noticed that she had been looking a bit more frail recently. She's been on so many diets and workout plans her whole life that she's had her ups and downs. She was having a pretty harsh down right now. Her doctor came in the room a few minutes later. 

"Hey crazy girl, how are we feeling today?" 

"Heavy. Like my limbs feel a bit heavy," her doctor nodded and sat on a chair close to the bed. 

"What was for breakfast this morning?" The doctor looked up at my sister who was silent. 

"She had a banana," I mumbled. 

"Just that? I'm gonna pull up your shirt is that okay? Okay," Luna laid back as her doctor felt around her stomach. "How much did you weigh when the nurse took your height and weight today?" Luna cleared her throat. 


"Oh? A bit lower since the last time I saw you. Everything okay at home?" The doctor now turned to look at me. 

"Oh. Just relationship stuff."

"Ah, I see. I apologize for prying, you can sit up now. And I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but with your weight where it's at, and your strength, we're going to have to put you back on the feeding tube." Luna who had been playing with the hem of her shirt stopped and gripped it tight. She hung her head. 

"Fuck," she whispered, the tears starting to flow down her cheeks. The doctor looked at me, her eyes laced with guilt. 

"I'm gonna go get the kit," she dipped her head and left the room. I beckoned Luna over to the couch I was sitting on and she trudged over, leaning on me. I just held her as her body wrecked with sobs. 

"I was doing so good Kennie. I was! I really tried!" Luna gripped onto my sweater, her hands shaking. 

"I know you did, I know," I felt a lump in my throat as I hugged her tightly. The doctor came back into the room, the kit in her hand. 

"Now I know you already know how to apply these, but I do have to apply and insert a tube before you leave," the doctor came over and set the kit on the table next to me and grabbed out the supplies she needed. She put on gloves and went over to Luna. "Okay, just lean your head back dear," Luna hesitantly leaned her head back, her jaw trembling as she looked up. 

"This might hurt a little and I'm sorry. As her doctor reached over Luna jerked her head down into her lap. The doctor looked at me and sighed. I nodded. We had never had this issue but I knew I was going to have to hold Luna down. I finally coaxed her to sit straight and I carefully held her head upwards. She thrashed against the doctor and I as the doctor inserted the tube. She just kept screaming. When the doctor finally inserted the tube, she taped it and handed the rest of the kit to me. 

"I'd like to see you back in another month Luna," I apologized to the doctor as she left, but she continued to reassure me that it wasn't an issue. Luna dragged her feet as we left the hospital. Once we got to the car, I handed her the kit and drove to the house. Once we got to the house I grabbed the kit and helped her inside. I had her sit at the table and I went into the other room where we had kept the other kits for when she used to tube feed. I grabbed to bottles of formula and came into the room. 

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