Chapter 7

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Kenma's POV

I loved the way Akaashi's kisses felt. They were a huge difference from Kuroo and Bokuto. His were the right mix of soft and dominate, and his lips were really soft. I wasn't sure how to mark someone, but I assumed some sort of instinct would take over. I bit his lip and slipped my tongue in his mouth, I could feel him smile against my lips. 

I kept at this for a couple minutes before slowly kissing down his jawline. I tried taking my time, so that I wouldn't have to make Akaashi wait long when I reached his scent gland. Which failed because I reached his scent gland. I paused trying to figure out how I should do it. 

"Just bite down, it won't hurt," he whispered in my ear. I nodded against his neck. I kissed his scent gland before biting down. I heard him suck in air through his teeth and saw him reach back to grab Bokuto's hand. Once I pulled away, I carefully wiped the small trickle of blood that had started to run down his collar bone. He turned to the side to see Kuroo who had creeped into the nest next to Bokuto. 

Kuroo was giving Bokuto a mark on his wrist which he seemed freaked out about. Akaashi stood on his knees and whispered into his ear, still holding his hand. Once Kuroo finished the mark he carefully wiped it and gave Bokuto a peck. 

"Did it hurt?" Bokuto shook his head. "Turned on?" Kuroo smirked, Bokuto looked away at this comment. Akaashi and I switched spots so Kuroo could mark him. I looked over at Bokuto who was inspecting his new mark. I looked over at Kuroo who had already been marked by Bokuto. 

"Do you want me to do it first, or do you want to go first?" Bokuto scooted closer to me. 

"I can do yours first," I felt a small rush of bravery from doing Akaashi's mark. Bokuto pulled me over into his lap to where I was straddling him. And from there I lost any ounce of motivation I might have had before. He leaned up and kissed me. Once I leaned down to get better access he slipped his tongue in my mouth. 

He sucked on my bottom lip as I went to pull away. I buried my face in his neck, more hiding than trying to mark him. I calmed myself down before finding his scent gland. Once I found his scent gland, I bit down. Bokuto had a pretty similar reaction to Akaashi. He sucked in a noiseless breath and tightly gripped the back of my shirt. 

"Are you okay?" He nodded. 

"Are you ready?" 

"No. But we gotta do it at some point," I turned my head to the side so he could reach my scent gland. I didn't even have time to brace myself before he bit down. I moaned, which startled me. I bit down hard, making my jaw hurt. He pulled away, running his tongue over his teeth. 

"You okay?" I nodded, resting my hand over the mark. I had never been marked before. 

Once all of us had marked each other we sat there in silence. Kuroo was the first to break the silence by pulling out his phone. 

"Shit, I have to get home. My mother's heat started. I'm sorry for dumping this on all of you and then leaving. And Akaashi, I'm sorry for invading your nest," he shoved his phone back in his pocket and ran out. 

"I have to fold my laundry," Bokuto mumbled before getting up and dragging his feet out the door. 

"Is he okay?" Akaashi turned to me. 

"Yeah. I think he's just having a mood swing," he pushed his glasses further up his nose. "I should probably clean this up," he motioned to the now disheveled nest. 

"I should probably get home," I cleared my throat. 

"Okay," Akaashi nodded. "I'll walk you out." Once we made it to the front door we paused. 

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