Chapter 2

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Akaashi's POV

Becoming a lawyer wasn't as challenging as I thought it was going to be.

My father runs a crime business. Everything you see in the shows, forensics, investigation, police, murder. My father was good at his job. He built the place from the ground up when he was 15. Which is crazy to think. But he's came a long way.

I chose to become a lawyer because dead bodies made me squeamish. But I still wanted to help people out.

Bokuto was a very hands on person so he visited all the crime scenes and takes information from the scene. Kuroo did most of the autopsies. Bokuto sometimes helped him, but he would get distracted easily. Not that Kuroo didn't already have an assistant that was as crazy as Bokuto.

Koganegawa had been at the company for some time. He was the main forensic pathologist until Kuroo came in. He decided he liked helping better than doing everything on his own.

"Keiji!" I turned my head as Akasuki came in my room.

"Yes?" I turned towards her.

"Is Bokuto coming over today?" She bounced on her tip-toes, eagerly awaiting my response.

"He might, why so?" I grinned.

"Because I am going to beat him at Mario Kart!" She pumped her fist's in the air.

"Ahh. Okay. Do you want me to ask-"

"Yesyesyes! Pleeeease!" She folded her hands together and waved them. I rolled my eyes and laughed, grabbing my phone from the desk. I showed her the screen before calling Bokuto.


"Hi, Bokuto-San. You're not working, are you?"

"I am! And this scene is crazy. There was a double homicide! They both killed each other with cyanide pills."

"I didn't mean to call you while you were working. But Akasuki is wondering if you're coming over today?"

"I was planning to. Work shouldn't keep me too much longer. Fukunaga is the main investigator on this case. But I'm still pretty good if I do say so myself! Whatcha dooooin?"

"I just finished up some homework, I'm probably going to catch up on my book," I pushed my glasses farther up my nose. "Oh, by the way. My father said he and my mother are hosting a party tomorrow night. They want to make an announcement, but told me to make sure I invited you. Even though you are always welcome, invite or not." He went silent for a minute.

"What is it about?"

"Not sure." He went silent again.

"Okay... Well I guess I'll go back to work and see you later. Fukunaga doesn't need me for too much longer."

"Don't worry Bokuto, I'm sure it's nothing about you. And if it is, it's most definitely not bad," I could tell he was starting to go into emo mode. When it came to other people's opinions he didn't care much... Until it came to my parents. He was scared that if he messed up they would seperate us, but I know they wouldn't do that.

"Okay, bye Akaashi." I sighed and put the phone on the desk.

"So?" Akasuki tilted her head.

"Yes. But when he's done from work. Have you finished your schoolwork?" She stopped bounced and pursed her lips.

"No... I'll go get it done," she dragged her feet down the hall to her room.

It was another few hours until Bokuto got back from work, but he seemed to be in a better mood when he came back.

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