Chapter 16

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Kuroo's POV

I dried off and wrapped a towel around myself as I went into Kenma's room. I went straight to his desk and picked up the phone. 

"Everything okay Kaashi?"

"Kuroo? Is Kenma there?"

"Yes. But so am I."

"Please Kuroo. Can I talk to Kenma?"

"Are you okay? Where is Bo?" 

"Fuck Kuroo. Please. I just need to talk to Kenma. Bokuto is out of the house right now and I'm scared."

"Is it just you and the girls? Are you in danger?"

"No we're fine. I just...I went to the doctors."

"Okay. And she told you what? That you can't be around people cause you're too sick?"


"Keiji. You can tell me anything. I won't tell anybody, I promise." I sat there for a second. The line went silent. "Ka-"

"Kuroo I'm pregnant."

"That's great! Why are you scared?"

"Cause I'm getting married in less than a month and I'm already pregnant." 

"And what, it's somebody else's kid? Is it mine?"

"Tetsurou! It's Koutarou's fucking kid," I felt bad making jokes because it sounded like he was crying. I looked up as Kenma came out from the bathroom dressed. 

"Okay okay, I'm sorry," I grunted as I tried getting dressed with one hand. "I'm on my way, okay? Just hang in tight," I hung up the phone and set it back on Kenma's desk. 

"Is he okay?" Kenma raised his eyebrow. 

"I'll tell you later," I grabbed my car keys and Kenma's hand, leading him out to my car. Once we got in the car, the ride was pretty much in awkward silence as we made our way to Keiji's house. Once we got there, the doorman let us in and we went to Keiji's room. Once we got to his room, I knocked on the door. I heard no answer so I carefully opened the door. He was curled up on his bed crying. He had made a makeshift nest in the bed. 

I carefully sat next to him and pulled him into my arms. He sat there and cried, the tears continuously flowing. Until finally, he stopped. 

"Why are you scared?"

"What if Bokuto doesn't want it?" 

"Want what?" Kenma asked, stilled unaware of the situation. 

"I'm pregnant," Keiji gestured to the folder that sat on the end of the bed. Kenma grabbed the folder and looked through it. "I don't want to tell him," Keiji sniffled. 

"What's the worse that'll happen?" Keiji looked at me, dumbfounded. 

"What isn't the worse?" He slunk farther into my arms. 

"C'mon Keij. Y'know he loves kids. Why wouldn't he love his own kid?"

"Cause we aren't ready."

"Says who?" Keiji looked up at me, still pouty. I chuckled, removing his glasses. I wiped away his tears and kissed his forehead. "You guys will be great parents. You see how he is with your sisters."

"Yeah but what about my mom? She just had a baby, it'll look like I'm pregnant because she is," I rubbed his shoulder. 

"Nobody thinks that. Was it a boy or a girl?" 

"A boy."

"Well congrats to her," Kenma commented. 

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" 

"I don't know. I never thought about having kids," he shrugged. 

"Well now you are gonna have one, what are you hoping for?" I looked down at him, watching as his face contorted in confusion. 

"I don't know, a boy? Cause Bo and I are guys I feel like that would be easier. Or maybe a girl cause I have sisters. I just...I don't know," he sighed. He pouted again, looking like he was about to start crying. 

"It's okay Kaashi," I chuckled, resting my head atop his. We all froze as Akaashi's sisters started squealing. Akaashi pulled away from me and sat up, while Kenma made his way to the door. Akaashi froze hearing Bokuto's voice. He quickly snatched the folder from the bed and shoved it in his nightstand. Bokuto opened the door and looked at Kenmas confused. 

"Kenma?" He looked over Kenma's shoulder at me. "Kuroo?" I waved at him. "I didn't know you guys were here."

"Got bored and decided to come see Akaashi." He nodded. He came over to the bed and gave Akaashi a kiss. 

"How was your appointment?" He lowered his voice. Kenma and I waited in anticipation. 

"Said it was a simple cold. Drink lots of fluids, rest."

"She say why you were throwing up?" Bokuto asked over his shoulder as he walked to their closet. 

"Stomach bug," Akaashi lied, pushing his glasses farther up his nose. 

"That's no good. You want some medicine?" 

"No. I'm feeling better now. I've been drinking more water and resting."

"I didn't know drinking more water was possible for you," Bokuto teased. "You already drink a lot of water.

"Yes, I suppose I do," Akaashi nervously chuckled. 

"Are you guys staying the night?" Bokuto came back over to the bed and kissed me. 

"Sure," I shrugged. I looked over to Kenma. "Staying Kitten?" Kenma's eyes widened at the pet name. I usually only used it with us. But I figured if these were the people we'd be spending the rest of our life with, then I might as well call him that around other people. 

"Um. Okay. I just need to text my dad's later," he came over to the bed and sat with us. 

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