Chapter 10

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Akaashi's POV

It has now officially been a week. It was date night, per Kuroo's request. He had been staying at my house since his mom's boyfriend was over. We haven't heard much from Kenma. He's been at his house for the entire week since his sister was in the hospital. 

Kuroo arranged to go pick him up so we at least knew he was alive. He'd mostly just been going to work then coming back and going to sleep. 

Bokuto hadn't been very energetic lately, but he didn't want to take any medicine for his BPD. He claimed it made him feel funky until it kicked in. But I think he was still feeling the effects from his rut. 

I was currently babysitting since Akasuki was at her friend's house. Hayami and Iku didn't really need to be watched, they mostly kept to themselves and played with toys. But since they were young it was better just to stay in the same room as them. 

They were currently watching an educational show on my bed as I got ready to go out. I was currently trying to style my hair since I had taken a shower. It wasn't going very well. I hadn't seen Bokuto since this morning so I didn't know when he was supposed to be home. Until I heard the bedroom door open. I turned as he came into the bathroom. He dropped his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"What's wrong Bokuto-San?" I ran my fingers through his hair. 

"Work," he mumbled into my shoulder. 

"Was it hard?" 

"No, it was draining," he snuggled closer to my scent gland. 

"Do you still want to go out tonight?"

"No, but we promised Kuroo that we'd go."

"I'm sure he'll understand Bokuto-San."

"No! I don't want you to leave," he whined, tightening his grip around my waist. 

"I'm not going to leave unless you're coming with me, I promise," I frowned, wrapping my arms around him. "Do you want to take meds and see how you're feeling in a little bit?" I made sure to tread lightly, he didn't like the subject of his medication. He sighed. 

"Yeah, I guess," he released me from his grip and slumped. I grabbed his bottle from the medicine cabinet and a glass from next to the sink, filling it with water. I handed him the cup and a pill. He kinda just sat there and stared at it for a few minutes before actually taking it. After he took it, he set the glass on the counter and went into the bedroom and laid down.

"I'm taking a nap," he yawned and flopped on the bed next to the twins. Iku leaned the iPad against Bokuto's back and laid on her stomach, Hayami following her sister. Once I finished my hair and skin care, I went back into the room. The twins had now fallen asleep sprawled across each other. I covered them with a blanket and went down to the kitchen. I grabbed the house phone and called my mom. 


"Okaasan, when is Akasuki coming home?"

"I think she's going to stay the night at Yubari-Kun's house."

"When are you coming home?"

"I'll be home in an hour. Everything all right?"

"Yeah, just have a date night with everyone."

"I remember. Don't worry, I'll be home in enough time. How are the twins?"

"Sleeping with Bokuto-San," I smiled, even though she couldn't see. She chuckled. 

"That's good. I just wish the obstetrician wasn't so far from the house. By the way, your father is staying in the office overnight."

"Okay, I'll see you when you get home. I love you." Once she responded I hung up the phone and went down the hall to my sister's rooms. Akasuki kept her room pretty clean, she just didn't ever make her bed. I made her bed, making sure to bookmark her books and set them on the bedside table. Then I opened the curtains, the blinds, and the window to air out her room. Her bathroom was the cleanest thing in her room so I left it. 

I went down to the twin's room and picked up the few little toys they had lying on the floor and made their beds as well. They had a bathroom in their room, but they didn't really use it, they used my parents bathroom. I went back into my room and grabbed out a set of clothes for Bokuto. I grabbed the twins from the bed, and plugged their iPad in on my bedside table. They eventually woke up as I carried them down the hall. 

"I'm hungry," Hayami yawned. 

"Well you two are gonna take a bath, and then I'll make you a snack," I set them down once I reached the bathroom. I turned on the bath and went to their room to grab them a set of pajamas. When I went back to the bathroom, the two were already in the bath playing with bubbles I assumed they'd put in the bath. I helped them wash their hair before pulling the out of the bath. They put on their pajamas and ran down to the kitchen. I checked on Bokuto before following them. 

"What do you two want to eat?" 

"Fruit chips!" The two sat at the table as I grabbed a couple bags of fruit chips. I grabbed out a bowl and dumped a few different types in the bowl and set it in between them. They slowly ate the fruit chips and babbled about a game they were playing. 

I sat with them talking about this game long after they finished their snack. Bokuto came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. 

"How are you feeling?" I looked over my shoulder at him. 

"Tired," he yawned. 

"You get dressed yet?"

"Mm mm. I need to shower first. I just wanted to say hi," he kissed all over the side of my face before making his way back down the hall. 

"Do you guys want to take a nap before Okaasan gets home?" The two nodded and went back down the hall to their room. I tucked them in and turned on the little machines they had in their room. I went back into my room and laid down while I waited for Bokuto. 

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