Chapter 6

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Akaashi's POV

I couldn't tell if it was just being on a plane that made Kenma look sick, or lack of sleep. It was probably a combination of both. Ever since his parents started letting him drink energy drinks, he regularly stays up late. But doing what he does for his job also tolls on his sleep pretty heavily.

I had Akasuki help Bokuto bring their bags inside so I could get Kenma in a room to lay down.

"Do you want to shower?" Kenma yawned and nodded. "Okay, I think you still have a couple sets of clothes here. Just go ahead and get in the shower, and I'll grab you some clothes and make up the bed." I left him in the room and went to mine to go find him a set of clothes.

I dug to the back of my closet, but to my dismay there was none of his old clothes. I instead found my old clothes that no longer fit, and brought them back to the room. I knocked softly on the bathroom door. After I heard Kenma mumble in response, I opened the door and set the clothes on the counter. I went and sat on the bed to wait for Kenma.

He came out a little later, his towel piled on his head. He rubbed his hair then hung the towel on the back of the door. He flopped on the bed next to me and sighed. Bokuto came running down the hall. He came in the room and closed the door behind him.

"I couldn't find you," he panted.

"I was finding somewhere for Kenma to sleep," Bokuto went to the other side of the bed and laid next to Kenma. I scooted over and laid down.

"It's cold," Kenma commented.

"Do you want me to go grab you a blanket?" He shook his head. "Come here," I turned on my side and felt his forehead. I could tell he was sick, or had a fever at the least. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close.

When Kenma and I were younger he used to get sick every other month. So whenever I was with him when it happened, I would lay with him. He told me he thought it might've comforted him because I was an Omega, it made sense to me.

"Bo, come here," I held my hand out. Bokuto scooted closer and wrapped his arms around the both of us.

"You guys are warm," he giggled, nuzzling against Kenma's back. After a while Bokuto and Kenma had fallen asleep. I had been plagued with the inability to sleep ever since Bokuto left, but even with him being here, there were too many things swimming around in my mind for me to even fathom sleeping. I think another thing bothering me, is that this is the first time I've been with Bokuto after being with Kuroo the few times since Bokuto has left.

I pulled off my glasses and set them on the table, trying to make sure not to move too much. I froze as Kenma adjusted himself. He turned his head to the crook of my neck, his nose against my scent gland. I was too stunned to move. It made me even more scared that I might wake him up. So for the next 4 hours, I laid there in complete silence, bored out of my mind. I only moved when Bokuto woke up.

"How long have you been awake?" He mumbled against the pillow.

"Haven't been asleep," I whispered. He popped his head up.

"Why not?"

"Just haven't been able to."

"Hmmm. Well. I have to start going back to work tomorrow."

"Probably need to wash your clothes then," I reminded him.

"I'll go do that now," Bokuto carefully detached himself from Kenma. He quietly left the room, as soon as he closed the door I could hear him running down the hall. I froze as Kenma adjusted himself again, this time wrapping his arms around me. I finally accepted defeat, Kenma could sleep for literal days if he wanted. I rested my hand in his hair and mindlessly scratched his head. I felt myself finally nodding off and falling asleep.

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