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"Lucian," my father's voice rang out, a desperate plea. I struggled against Lucian's grasp, but it was futile. He held me in place with an iron grip, his gaze piercing into my soul with a chilling intensity.

"Lucian, it hurts," I cried out, the pain of his grip cutting through me like a knife. But instead of releasing me, he pushed me against the wall with a force that stole the breath from my lungs, leaving me gasping for air.

And as he loomed over me, his hand around my neck he spoke threateningly, "You two were planning to kill me, huh?" I could feel his grip tighten around my neck.

"Bella, I love you so much, but I don't want my soon-to-be wife backstabbing me, planning to kill me." I struggled to form a response, my throat constricted by fear. All I could manage was a weak nod.

As he released his hold on my neck, I instinctively recoiled, but his hand swiftly grasped the nape of my neck, pulling me back towards him. Escape seemed futile under his firm grasp, his fingers like iron chains binding me to him.

"Oh my dear Bella, you were mine the moment I laid my eyes on you." His voice, a whispered confession, sent shivers down my spine. I felt a chill settle over me.

"There is no place in the world where you can hide from me," he continued, his words a chilling reminder of his control. "Your big blue eyes, your lips, your body, your heart, your soul, every fucking thing of yours is mine."

The possessiveness in his tone was unmistakable, a declaration of ownership that left me feeling trapped in his grasp. I dared not defy him, the madness simmering beneath his calm eyes.

"Do you understand, and put this in your little mind, that you are never going away from me," he asserted, his hand trailing across my face with a possessive tenderness that sent shivers down my spine. "You will be with me forever, you belong to me now, and if anyone comes between us I will show him the hell here on earth."

His words float like a dark cloud, suffocating any hope of escape. I gasped as I met his gaze, seeing the madness reflected in his eyes with chilling clarity. In that moment, I realized the depth of my predicament, the grim realization sinking in like a stone in my chest.

Before I could comprehend the full extent of his control, he pulled me close, his lips crashing against mine in a rough kiss . In that moment, as his touch consumed me, I knew that escape was futile. I was bound to him, destined to be his prisoner forever.






Give my book a chance, as it's my first time writing so don't judge it by the prologue.

Hope you will enjoy my story and like it.

Take care

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