Chapter 37

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Narrators POV:

In the years that followed, Lucian transformed the world into the one Isabella had always dreamed of a peaceful existence where Beasts ruled alongside Humans.

With the curse lifted, the wolves roaming the forest were now ordinary, and it became commonplace for beasts to have human mates, fostering a harmonious community where marriages between them faced no obstacles.

The weight of their immortality had finally lifted, granting them the bittersweet gift of mortality. They could now walk the earth with the same fragile existence as those they cherished, knowing that each day could be their last.

But for Lucian, the burden was different, his wounds still had the power to heal, a cruel reminder of his eternal sentence. Even Alexander, once immortal, now faced the mortal life.

Lucian had long believed his punishment was to endure an endless existence without his love. The thought of it was a torment that gnawed at his soul. Yet, despite the pain, he bore his fate with a stoic resolve, carrying on with his duties.

However, Lucian carried a burden that weighed heavily on his heart. While his fellow wolves enjoyed the newfound peace and happiness with their mates, Lucian was tormented by rage and jealousy. His love, Isabella, was dead, and he could never have the mate his heart longed for.

Alexander, on the other hand, often visited Isabella's grave, mourning her loss. But Lucian never set foot there, unable to confront the painful reality of her absence.

Instead, he channeled his grief into a beautiful painting, depicting the women who meant the world to him: his mother, his sister, and Isabella. He placed this painting in a room at the top of the castle, away from anyone's eyes.

Lucian even moved to a new room, sealing off his old one from everyone else. Alexander understood that whenever Lucian needed to feel Isabella's presence, he would retreat to that room.

It was filled with her scent, dresses, comb, and books. It was a sanctuary of memories, a place where Lucian could feel close to her, even though she was gone.

Lucian would sit in the room for hours, emerging later as if nothing was wrong, as if he were just another ordinary person. But Alexander knew better. Alexander's frustration had been building for years.

Lucian hadn't shed a single tear after Isabella's death, he had simply returned to his old self, the same stoic demeanor masking any hint of grief. Each time Alexander tried to broach the subject of Isabella, Lucian would brush him off and walk away.

Alexander had endured this act for years. It had been years since the tragic incident, yet Lucian still wasn't ready to talk about Isabella.

Recently, he had discovered something extraordinary, he had met his mate, the daughter of the landlord in the Kingdom of Arcanis. He longed to share this joyous news with Lucian first, hoping it might pierce through the wall of indifference his friend had built around himself.

Determined to find him, Alexander scoured the castle, searching every corridor and hallway. Eventually, a guard mentioned Lucian's whereabouts, and Alexander headed towards the nearest lake. There, under the shade of a large tree, he spotted Lucian sitting alone, gazing out at the water.

Taking a deep breath, Alexander approached, his footsteps crunching softly on the gravel path. The lake's surface shimmered under the midday sun. As he drew closer, he could see the tension in Lucian's shoulders, the rigid set of his jaw.

Lucian, Alexander called softly, but firmly, as he neared the tree.

Lucian didn't move, his eyes fixed on the water's surface. "What is it, Alexander?"

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