Chapter 14

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Isabella POV :

The room was bathed in the hues of twilight, a soft glow filtering through the drawn curtains. I gingerly opened my eyes, the realization hitting me that the day had waned into dusk while I lay in unconscious repose. The pangs of hunger stirred within me, a reminder that I had skipped lunch.

As I shifted to rise, a disconcerting sound echoed in the room, a metallic rasp that seized my attention. Panic crept into my veins as I instinctively twisted around, seeking the source of the ominous noise.

My eyes, clouded with confusion, cast downward to my leg, only to find the bandage gone, the once grievous wound now replaced by skin.

Perplexity clouded my thoughts. Had magic intervened in my healing? The enigma deepened as my gaze traveled to my other leg, which, to my horror, was bound by a sturdy chain affixed to the bedframe.

My pulse quickened as I attempted to unravel the metallic restraint, but my efforts were in vain.

Desperation clawed at me, and I cried out, "Is anybody there? Please help me!" My eyes darted towards the door. The door creaked open, revealing a guard.

"Excuse me, could you please remove this?" I implored, desperation lacing my voice.

"No, my lady, it's the king's order," he replied with a bow, leaving me bewildered. Why would Lucian decree such imprisonment? My mind raced with unanswered questions as the guard, unaffected by my distress, announced his intention to call the king.

"No, wait, don't!" I pleaded, but the door was shut. Left to my own devices, anxiety gnawed at me.

After what felt like an eternity, the door yielded to another opening, revealing Lucian, a sinister smile playing upon his lips.

I tugged desperately at the chain, my voice tremulous as I implored, "Lucian, why have you cuffed me to the bed? Please, free me."

"Well, love, I can't do that, it's your punishment for leaving me," he said with an eerie calmness. I felt my heart race as the realization of what he meant settled in.

"Please, please, please, take it away. I promise not to do that again." The desperation in my voice cracked, and tears began to fall on my cheeks.

"That can't be happening now because you will be tied to my bed, so by this, you will never leave me." Lucian's smile sent chills down my spine, and I couldn't help but wonder if he had lost touch with reality.

"Please, Lucian, I promise I will not do it again. You can lock the door, but please don't tie me up like this," I pleaded, my voice trembling with fear.

"No love, you disrespect me by not listening to me, and I hate when people do this," he replied coldly as if he was explaining the simplest of truths. He dragged a chair in front of the bed and sat on it, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Why are you doing this? I did nothing to you," I cried my words a desperate plea for understanding.

"You did love, you came into my life and practically disrespected me," he stated matter-of-factly.

"So, let's get to the point, there are some rules that you have to follow," he continued, his voice turning authoritative.

"First is never disrespect me. When I tell you to do something, you should do it," he declared.

"Second, do not resist my touch," he continued, a chilling emphasis on the possessiveness in his gaze.

"Third, never lie to me, nor hide anything from me," he added, each rule a chain tightening around me.

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