Chapter 18

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Amara POV:

I stormed out of the room, seething with fury. That wretched woman had single-handedly sabotaged my path to becoming the queen of Lucian.

I couldn't let this stand. Before she could seal the deal and marry him, I needed to take action. The opportunity was still ripe, and I was not about to let it slip through my fingers.

With determined steps, I made my way to my father's study and flung open the door, not caring for any decorum. "Why is this happening?" I demanded, my voice laced with anger.

My mother, who was seated in the room, stood up, trying to calm the situation. "Don't shout, young lady," she admonished gently.

I took a seat on the couch, frustration evident in every gesture. "Don't shout? Do you realize what's at stake? If he marries her, we will lose everything!"

Turning to my father, I pressed for answers. "You spoke with him. What did he say?"

"I proposed the idea of him marrying Amara, but he outright refused," my father replied, his words only fueling my rage.

"I'm far more suitable for him than she is. I could keep him happier than she ever could," I insisted, my confidence unwavering.

My mother approached me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "My dear, She is nothing compared to you. They are not married yet. Do something to make Lucian fall for you."

My father, with a smirk on his face, added, "Do whatever it takes, even if it means seducing him. Once he agrees to marry you, we'll be richer by then."

"What about Isabella?" my mother inquired, her concern evident in her tone.

"Don't worry about her, Mother. I'll take good care of her," I assured her, though my mind was already brewing with malicious intent.

As I made my way outside, thoughts swirled in my head, each one more devious than the last. Then, in the hallway, I spotted Bella walking alongside one of Lucian's guards. A smirk crept onto my lips as a plan began to form.

Approaching their room, I found Lucian, shirtless and undoubtedly attractive, standing at the door. His sculpted physique was on full display, a sight that could easily distract anyone.

"What do you want?" he demanded, his tone laced with rudeness.

"I was just wandering around and thought I'd drop by," I replied, injecting a flirtatious tone into my voice.

He moved to close the door, but I intercepted it with my hand, halting his actions. "Go to your room, we don't need you," he commanded, his irritation palpable.

"Why so hostile, Lucian? Channel that angers into something more... in bed," I purred, inching closer and brushing my fingers lightly across his bare chest. The mere touch ignited a fire within me.

A smirk played on his lips as he slowly raised his hands to my neck. For a fleeting moment, I thought he would lean in for a kiss. Instead, his grip tightened suddenly, and before I could react, he slammed me against the wall with force.

"Listen here, you slut, just go to your room before I strangle you to death," he spat, his grip tightening around my arm. Gasping for breath, I struggled to free myself, desperation clouding my mind.

"You want someone to fuck you right? I'll throw you to my guards, they will fuck you so hard you'll be dead by morning with all the pleasure," he threatened, tossing me aside like a rag doll.

Pain shot through my body as I hit the hard floor. Gathering what little strength I had left, I pushed myself up, using the wall for support.

Footsteps echoed down the hallway, and I saw Bella approaching. Still struggling to breathe, I watched as she ran over to me, her face a mix of concern and confusion. "Princess, are you okay? What happened to you? Should I call someone?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

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