Chapter 12

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Lorenzo pov:

"What are you sure about this?" I asked.

"Yes, my lord, the news is true," came the unwavering response. My mind struggled to wrap itself around the revelation, Lucian, had taken the princess as his mate.

But as I grappled with the implications, a sinister thought took root in my mind. A cruel smile played on my lips. "In any case, I see this as a plus point if he has a mate. I'm going to torture her in front of him. This will be more terrible than actually dying." The prospect of inflicting pain, of shattering Lucian's newfound joy, fueled a dark fire within me.

"Oh Lucian, how are you going to keep her safe from me now?" I mused aloud.

Suddenly, the chamber's heavy atmosphere was pierced by the sound of panting and labored breaths. I turned to find John standing there, his eyes wide with shock. "What I am hearing?" he gasped

"Everything you have heard is true," I affirmed, turning around to face him. "But it's not possible, the beasts were cursed that they will not have mates," he argued, his disbelief etched across his face.

"But guess what, Lucian has one, and she is none other than your lovely sweetheart," I replied. John's vow to kill Lucian for stealing his love compelled me to conceal the darker intricacies of my plan. Well, I'll kill him when the work is done.

To further stoke the flames of his rage, I added, "So now that she is his mate, he will surely marry her and make her his."

"WHAT?" John roared. As the realization sunk in, I approached him, relishing the situation. "Well, he will marry her, mark her his, you know what happened on the wedding night, John."

"I want to kill him before it. When will I get the powers? I can't let him make her his, she is mine to love," he declared, his anger twisting into possessiveness.

With a disdainful sneer, I remarked, "We have to wait for it. Well, we will attack when his wedding will be held." But John, unable to contain his fury, demanded, "What, can't we kill him now?"

"No, we can't. On that day, everyone will be focused on the wedding, but the security will be tight for sure. I have my men inside his castle, they will help us," I declared.

John raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "What makes you want to wait so long?

Why don't you want to marry her? It will be the best day to marry her right in front of him."

If you do, I'll kill you, torture her, and turn her into a slave. I'm getting so excited just thinking about this. Lucian, hold on, you're about to suffer.

John, could no longer contain his fury. He stormed out, his face contorted with rage. But the next moment, John's transformation caught me off guard. The air crackled with energy as John morphed into a wolf.

I turned to face my man and said, So our process is successful.'"

"Finally, yes sir. The other humans were not able to take the pain, but I think his anger is making it possible," my man replied.

"That's a good thought. Give the letter to our informer. I want the date for the wedding," I commanded.

John POV:

The revelation struck me like a thunderbolt, each word he uttered echoing in my mind like a sinister hymn. "Lucian is going to marry Bella," he declared, and the world around me shattered into a cacophony of dissonant fragments.

I couldn't comprehend those words until a scream, erupted from my chest. It was the sound of a wounded animal, desperate and untamed.

At that moment, a tempest of conflicting emotions surged within me, colliding like turbulent waves. My hands trembled with rage, a desire to rend flesh and break bones.

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