Chapter 27

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Lucian POV:

She remained silent, a palpable tension hanging between us as we walked together. Each step felt heavier than the last, weighted with the realization that I had lost her. Her once expressive face was now dull.

As we arrived at the castle, her gaze shifted towards the stairs, a silent indication of her intention to retreat. But then, as if a flicker of her, she paused and turned back to me, her eyes pleading.

"Lucian, please take me to my kingdom. I want to bury my father beside my mother's grave," she implored softly, a hint of vulnerability seeping into her voice. Before I could respond, she turned away once more, ascending the stairs without looking back.

"I've lost her, Alex," I admitted, the weight of my words matched by the tears blurring my vision. I couldn't contain the sorrow that threatened to consume me.

Alex placed a comforting hand on my back, a gesture meant to console me. "Lucian, don't lose hope," he said.

"What hope is left now? Nothing remains. She arrived here with hate, and that hate has only festered and grown within her heart. There is nothing left but hate," I confessed, my voice cracking with emotion.

"Lucian, listen," Alex began, but I couldn't bear to hear anymore. Without another word, I turned and fled the castle, the agony of losing her too much to bear. Transforming into my wolf form, I ran, the forest becoming a blur.

"She should be left alone," my wolf spoke

I nodded in silent assent, pushing myself to run faster. Our wedding had been my only hope, a chance to find happiness once more, to build a life with the woman I loved. But now, all those dreams seemed shattered, crushed under her hatred.

"That Lorenzo had to intervene. If Mother hadn't stood in my way, I would have torn him to shreds long ago, when I had the chance," I seethed inwardly, the anger towards the man who had torn us apart, who ruined my weeding.

As I ran deeper into the forest, I knew that if she chose to leave me, I would be lost to the darkness that threatened to consume me.

The gentle rustle of feathers and the soft chirping of birds gradually pulled me out of my slumber. As I slowly opened my eyes, the first rays of the sun were painting the sky in shades of pink and orange.

Reality hit me, I had to return. Bella and I had a journey ahead of us to the Kingdom of Fiore. Hastily, I made my way back to the castle, the cool morning air brushing against my skin.

Reaching the castle, I quickly transformed back into my human form. "Alex, where are you?" I called out, hoping to find him. His voice echoed from the back garden, "In the castle back garden, where were you?"

"I'm coming to you," I replied, picking up my pace. As I entered the garden, I found Alex there, accompanied by Liam and Louis. The sight of Alex's smile unsettled me. Why was he smiling like that?

"Good morning, Lucian," Alex greeted me warmly, to which I responded with a nod. "When are we going to go?" I inquired, my mind already racing with thoughts of the journey.

"Once Bella comes down," Alex explained calmly. My worry flared up. "She hasn't come down yet, what about her breakfast?" I asked, concerned for Bella's well-being.

"No, she hasn't, and I don't think we have time for breakfast," Alex replied, his tone firm. "We will bring her, Sir Alexander, please prepare for departure," Louis interjected, breaking the tension. Despite my disdain for him, I knew Bella would listen to them and come down.

As they bowed and left the garden, I couldn't shake off my concern for Bella. "I'm concerned, Alex, concerned about Bella. Have you seen her? She hasn't eaten since yesterday. Is she okay?" I voiced my worries, hoping for reassurance.

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