Chapter 15

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Isabella POV:

His touch lingers on my skin like a stain that refuses to fade. Each moment spent in his presence feels like an eternity of suffocation. How did I end up in this nightmare?

After enduring his forceful advances, he dares to feign civility by taking me to dinner. But any semblance of normalcy evaporates as he insists on feeding me more, oblivious to my protests. Is he devoid of empathy or simply deaf to my pleas?

Now, as I lie in bed with Lucian's arms wrapped around me like steel bands, I feel suffocated by his presence. His touch, once a source of comfort, now sends shivers of revulsion down my spine.

I want to scream, to claw my way out of this suffocating embrace, but I am trapped, both physically and emotionally.

If I flee from Lucian, I endanger not only myself but also my father and my kingdom. I am trapped in a web of duty and obligation, unable to break free.

I had a lot of things on my mind when a white bird flew in and landed on the balcony railing.

What kind of bird is this? It was incredibly beautiful, with light emanating from it like the moon. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of the bird.

When I turned around, I saw that the chain was large enough to allow me to enter. How could this be possible?

" Isabella, daughter of King Luths and Queen Elizabeth", found me in an inexplicable moment. A voice, ethereal and gentle, whispered my name. Bewildered, I searched the room with sleepy eyes, but my gaze found only Lucian, slumbering peacefully in his bed.

"It's me," the voice affirmed, drawing my attention away from my sleeping companion. I turned, my heart quickening its pace, to find the source. Could it be that this creature spoke to me, or was I lost in a dream spun from the whims of my mind?

"You are not dreaming, my child," the bird assured me as if sensing the doubt swirling within me.

"Are you the one speaking to me?" I asked. The bird inclined its head in response.

As realization dawned upon me, a flurry of questions danced at the edge of my consciousness. How could a bird possess such a gift? Yet, before I could voice my inquiries, the bird addressed me once more.

"Don't stress yourself, dear. Is this stupid beast sleeping?" The bird said, but no one was brave enough to say something like that to him. I did say this, too, just not loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Don't say it, if he hears you, he'll get mad and might hurt you," I whispered,

"He can't hear me, Bella." I closed my mouth and blinked confusedly,

"I'm talking, but you're listening to my voice in your head." Does this bird not sense the cold weather outside?

"you can come in, it cooled outside",

"no need my child, but listen to me I am here for a reason",

"What it is", I asked

"I know this is a lot to ask, but please, Bella, stay with him and follow his instructions." This is too much for me to handle right now; I have a bird talking with me, and it wants me to stay with Lucian.

"What connection does he have with the bird?" I mused silently, my gaze flickering to the delicate creature perched nearby. Its voice, though ethereal, held a comforting familiarity that soothed my troubled mind. "I can tell by the bird's voice that it was female. She wanted me to stay with him, but why?"

I turned to look down, and the memories of him dragging me to the castle, chaining me to the bed, and kissing me, returned. My eyes began to well up with tears.

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