Chapter 1

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Unknown POV:

The night draped the castle in an eerie silence, shrouding it in an aura of mystery and foreboding. As the man approached the castle, his footsteps muffled by the thick mist, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins. His attire, a cloak as dark as the abyss, veiled his features.

With a deep inhale, he paused, savoring the moment, relishing the impending chaos he was about to unleash upon the world.

A sinister grin twisted his lips as he opened his eyes, revealing a glint of malevolence that sent shivers down the spine of even the bravest souls.

Behind him, two men labored under the weight of a large box, their faces etched with dread.

One whispered to the other, his voice trembling with fear, "Do you see the evil in his eyes? I fear him more than I fear this castle itself."

The other glanced nervously at their surroundings. "Think of the king and his soldiers. If he is this menacing, what chance do we have against him?"

The thought of the approaching storm gave them both chills.

The evil one proceeded towards the main entrance of the castle. It has two enormous beasts with large, sharp teeth carved on it on either side. Numerous bats emerge when the man opens the door.

The two men flinched, instinctively shielding themselves from the onslaught. "I can't go through with this," one murmured.

But his companion's grip tightened, his eyes filled with grim determination. "We have no choice. If we refuse, he will not only end us but our families as well. Remember, he was once the most powerful wizard."

With a final glance backward, the man in black offered a chilling reminder, his voice dripping with malice, "I am still."

"Come fast we are running out of time". Quickly nodding, the two men followed him inside.

They traversed through the corridors of the castle, their footsteps echoing against the walls.

Approaching a door, they found it obscured by thick cobwebs. Without hesitation, the man leading the way cleared the webs with swift motions before forcefully pushing the door open. A darkness deeper than night greeted them, swallowing the feeble light that struggled to penetrate its depths.

With a wave of his hand, the man conjured a flickering flame upon the torches lining the walls. Descending down a flight of stairs, both men's anticipation mingled with apprehension, their hearts pounding in their chests.

At the bottom of the steps, they halted before a door, its surface adorned with intricate carvings. From his bag, the evil man retrieved a worn and tattered book, its pages stained with age and misuse. Seating himself with determination, he began to chant a mantra.

With a final incantation, the door yielded with a resounding crack, swinging open to reveal a scene that chilled them to their very core. Before them lay a vast hall, filled with coffins in mid-air, an unsettling sight that sent shivers down their spines.

The evil man wasted no time, brandishing a map as he navigated through the maze of floating coffins. With a map in hand, he approached a particular door. As he drew nearer, his gaze fell upon two coffins adorned with ominous symbols.

Reaching out to touch the coffin, the man recoiled as a curse seared his fingertips. "Open the box and place its contents here," he commanded.

With trembling hands, the two men complied, opening the box to reveal a grotesque sight that turned their stomachs. Ten human hearts lay within. And though they knew they had no choice but to proceed.

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