Chapter 9

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Isabella POV:

As I lay in my tent, my mind echoed with the void left by the absence of familiar faces. The ache of missing my father gnawed at my heart, and thoughts of Liam and Louise's safety. Rest eluded me, and I found myself incessantly shifting positions.

Unable to surrender to the embrace of sleep, I finally yielded and sat up on the bed, emitting a low groan of frustration. My gaze swept over the tent's interior, contemplating the possibility of finding solace in the serene lake.

With cautious determination, I rose from the bed and made my way toward the tent's entrance. Peering outside, I discerned Lucian's tent nearby, and the faint murmur of guards engaged in conversation reached my ears.

I'll be back soon, and he won't know. I have repeatedly done such behavior within my castle, to which Liam has always warned me. This time, I resolved to slip away unnoticed, convinced that I would return before Lucian could discern my absence.

Stepping into the night, I moved stealthily, veering away from the guards' line of sight. The moonlit path guided me to the lake. A smile played on my lips as I absorbed the beauty of the scene, momentarily forgetting the burdens that had plagued my thoughts.

However, the serenity was shattered by a distant groan. Turning my attention in the direction of the sound, I observed figures lying on the ground, struggling for assistance. Without hesitation, I ran towards the fallen man, concern etched across my features.

"Sir, are you alright? What happened to you?" I inquired, offering a reassuring shake. Before he could respond, a sudden grip seized me from behind, and a cloth muffled my attempted question. The assailant, a shadowy figure, forcefully tied my hands behind my back and hoisted me over his shoulder.

As panic welled within me, a harsh voice commanded, "Stop, don't try anything clever, bitch." The cloth covered my mouth, stifling any further protests.

They were abducting me, spiriting me away from the camp. Dread filled my thoughts as I imagined the uncertainty of their intentions.

Thrown to the ground, I winced in pain, attempting to scramble away from my captors. The hard slap delivered by the man I had tried to aid intensified the anguish. My back collided with the bark of a tree.

Fear gripped me as I realized six men surrounded me. Trembling uncontrollably, I instinctively pulled my legs up to my chest, a feeble attempt to shield myself from the impending threat.

The one who had thrown me to the ground approached. He removed the cloth, unveiling a sinister smirk that sent shivers down my spine.

"Please, leave me," I pleaded, desperation lacing my voice. Their collective chuckles echoed through the forest.

A tall man with a long scar slashing across his face stepped forward, his eyes piercing through the darkness. "Why would we want to leave the precious thing?" he sneered, the scar accentuating his menacing demeanor.

"I beg you, sir. I have nothing to give you. Please leave me. I promise not to tell anyone," I implored, my voice cracking with fear. Ignoring my pleas, the scarred man leaned in, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. "You have much more than you think," he whispered, his fingers grazing my cheek.

I winced, attempting to pull away, but his grip tightened. A sharp pain seared through my right cheek as he delivered a forceful slap. "This will be fun. You are a little feisty thing," he taunted, callously tossing me towards a fireplace. Desperation fueled my cries, but my pleas fell on deaf ears.

The menacing man, now shirtless, advanced with a predatory gleam in his eyes. I turned to face away, summoning strength to stand, but he swiftly stabbed my leg, a searing pain shooting through me.

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