Chapter 35

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Lucian POV:

I stood alone in the courtyard, surrounded by the cold, stone walls of the castle. I had dispatched my most trusted soldiers to every corner of the world, armed with the sincere hope that they would unveil her whereabouts. Yet, they returned with empty hands, their expressions mirroring the despair gripping my heart.

As I stood there, I sent out desperate prayers. "Where are you, my love? I need you," I whispered into the stillness.

Every passing moment without her gnawed at my soul, and I could sense my heart breaking, my wolf slowly receding into the shadows. A disquiet settled in my heart, an unsettling feeling that intensified with each tick of the clock.

I stood with clenched fists, grappling with the crushing weight of despair. Alex's voice shattered the silence.

"Lucian, we...we didn't find her," he confessed, his tone laden with guilt. I turned towards him, my eyes searching for a glimmer of hope, but found only shadows dancing on his troubled face.

"Where is she then? How on earth could Lorenzo do that?" I erupted, frustration bubbling within me like a relentless storm.

A surge of impotent rage coursed through my veins, compelling me to lash out at the castle wall. My fist collided with the stone, creating a hole in it.

Alex's informant arrived, breathless and desperate. " l-lord," he gasped, "I've got a lead, connecting all the dots. Lorenzo manipulated us. He sent that man to divert you, to confine your search to the North. But the truth is, he's hiding near the ocean."

My wolf stirred within me, awakening from its dormant state at the prospect of a breakthrough. The last ember of hope flickered.

"But our guards already searched there, they could not get Bella's scent," Alex interjected, skepticism etching lines on his face.

"That's probably because Lorenzo had strategically set up a barrier. Having read George's books, I realized this barrier was hindering the scent of both him and the queen," the informant explained. Alex and I exchanged a knowing glance, comprehending Lorenzo's plans.

Let me out, my wolf glowed in desperation to find our love

Swiftly, I transformed into my wolf form. Alex mirrored my actions, his smooth fur merging with the shadows as we dashed wildly toward the forest. The trees became a blur of green, and the wind swept through our fur.

I know about this barrier, if you feel a sudden change in atmosphere, then you are inside it, I mind-linked Alex as we both ran inside the forest.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, adrenaline surged through my veins, amplifying my senses. Ears pricked, nose twitching, I scoured the woods for any sign of the barrier.

Frustration clawed at my soul, and in a moment of vulnerability, I closed my eyes, seeking solace in a whispered plea to my mother. "Mother, please guide me. I need you. I need to find my Isabella."

A sudden plunge into darkness enveloped my senses. Unable to see or feel anything. Yet, amidst the abyss, a presence brushed against my consciousness. Teeth bared, I readied myself for an attack, only to be met with a mysterious voice.

"Find clothes, go fast, don't be late. Don't forget Isabella is and will be always yours, and you are and will be always hers," the voice said, and with a forceful push, I blinked back into the familiar forest.

Alex's concerned eyes met mine, and I shook off the disorientation. "Where is your mind? Where were you lost?" he inquired. Dismissing his concern, I asked if he had found anything. With a solemn shake of his head, we resumed our search.

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