Chapter 2

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Isabella POV:

"Hey Bella, wake up, it's morning already." Jessica's voice broke through the haze of sleep, pulling me reluctantly back to consciousness. I blinked, adjusting to the light filtering through the curtains.

"Good morning," I mumbled, my voice still thick with sleep. I stretched, feeling the stiffness in my limbs, and rubbed the last of my sleep from my eyes.

"Good morning! Let's get up quickly because we need to head to the town. It's Lisa's birthday!" Jessica's excitement was infectious, and I couldn't help but smile as I swung my legs over the side of the bed.

I hurried to the bathroom, splashing my face with water to fully wake myself up. Jessica helped me get dressed after I took a quick bath, her hands deftly tying the ribbons of my dress.

The weather was nice today, the sun shining brightly in the clear blue sky. But despite the cheerful atmosphere, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that had settled in the pit of my stomach. It was as if a shadow loomed over the day, though I couldn't quite put my finger on why.

I picked up the gift I had prepared for Lisa off the table and turned to see my father standing in the doorway, watching me with a soft smile.

"So where is my princess going?" he asked, stepping into the room. I walked over to him, showing him the dress I had made for Lisa. She had always wanted one, and I had worked hard to make it perfect for her.

"It's Lisa's birthday today, and we're going to her house to celebrate," I explained, excitement bubbling up inside me.

Lisa was a resident of the town. My mother used to take me outside to play with them when I was younger, and I had grown to adore playing with them all.

Jessica, who is two years older than I am, is my maid. She and her mother came to the castle for work after her father passed away.

"This is so beautiful," Father said, but something didn't seem quite right.

I have witnessed my father holding numerous meetings with the king of Fea and the king of Niagara. Something was going on outside, though I'm not sure what.

Louis, and Liam, my guard, used to be the only people I had with me when I went outside. However, nowadays, my dad would send me with five or six guards. He used always to change the subject when I asked him about it. He rarely joins me for dinner.

"Father, is there anything troubling you?, you know you can tell me I'm big now", I said with a grin. He chuckles at what I said.

He chuckled softly at my words, " Oh, Bella, you are just 20,"

"So what? I'm an adult and can understand some kingdom things." I said,

"It's nothing, my child, there are simply some issues that require our attention." He continued to lie to me.

I agreed to hear him, but neither he nor Liam or Louis would tell me. I still feel like a little kid to them. When I think about it, I pout.

"Don't be angry, Bella," Father whispered softly.

I hugged my father and said, "Don't take too much stress, everything will be okay." He returned the hug.

"I'm going to see you later, I'll arrive at dawn," I said as I got to my feet.

"Stay safe, child. Tell Liam and Louis if anything happens", he said I nodded

"I will, Father. I love you," I said as I left my room, listening to him say "I love you."

My Father was the king, and I was the princess of the kingdom of Fiore. When I was young, my mother passed away.

Though my memory of her is limited, I still recall the night my mother was killed. I closed my eyes, trying not to think about that night. My father and I cherished her greatly. She was a great mother, a queen, and an incredibly lovely and kind person.

I push these thoughts away and walk over to Liam and Louise with Jessica.

"We were waiting for you, princess," Liam said, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

" how many times have I said to call me by my name",

"And how many times should I tell you that you are a rabbit?" he said, referring to me by name. What an idiot, he never addresses me by my name and can refer to me by any animal's name instead.

"We have to go to Lisa's house because it's her birthday today, and Jessica and I had decided to give her a surprise," I said with excitement as I descended the stairs. "I don't want to start a fight now."

I had no idea that my happiness would be ripped from me today. Everything was about to collapse.

King Luths POV:

King Luths felt the weight of responsibility pressing down upon him like a mountain. The news of King Lucian's return, the merciless ruler of all beasts, struck fear into the very core of his being. With the east and west already under Lucian's control, Luths knew that his kingdom, his people, and his precious Bella were in grave danger.

As the three kings gathered in the war room of the Kingdom. King Xavier, the ruler of Niagara, broke the silence with a suggestion, "We can use the sword, but we must be cunning in our approach."

King Tristian of Kingdom Fea, his brow furrowed in deep thought, voiced his skepticism, "How do you propose we trick him? Lucian is no fool, and a mere sword won't be enough to end his tyranny."

Luths, feeling the weight of his crown heavy upon his head, rose from his seat, his gaze unwavering, "We cannot afford to remain idle while he marches upon us. We must devise a strategy, swift and cunning, to thwart his advance and protect our people."

Tristian's gaze sharpened, "Where is this sword? Should he attack, we must know its location to stand a chance."

Luths hesitated only briefly before revealing the sword's hiding place, a secret known to few, "It lies beneath my bed, concealed behind a false panel triggered by a hidden mechanism. But let this secret remain between us."

Xavier, leaned back in his chair, his eyes flickering with resolve, "Then let us not waste another moment. We must pool our wit and strength to devise a plan that will stand against the might of King Lucian."

Henry POV:

The magic had woven its spell, guiding me to seek George's assistance in my quest. With newfound clarity, I could sense the pulsating energy of the sword, drawing me closer like a compass needle. My heart quickened at the thought of my son ascending to the throne of Fiore, a destiny that now seemed within reach.

A smirk played across my lips as I ascended the staircase. The grand doors to the king's chamber stood imposingly before me, guarded.

Approaching them. "The King commands your presence in the main hall, he has ordered you both to go with Princess Isabella" I declared with an air of authority. They shook their heads, Such a moron.

"The King has ordered us to not go anywhere," one guard intoned solemnly.

"What if something is going on with the Princess? It will be your fault if something goes wrong," I interjected, his brow furrowed with worry. They exchanged apprehensive glances.

I stepped forward, a glimmer of assurance in my eyes. "Don't worry, I will stand here, I have called other guards. You can go."

After a moment of hesitation, they nodded in unison, as they proceeded down the hall towards the princess's chambers.

With a steadying breath, I turned my attention to the task at hand. Slipping into the chambers, I moved silently, my eyes scanning the room until they settled upon the book.

As I reached for the book, a soft, ominous creak sounded from beneath the bed. With cautious curiosity, I knelt and peered beneath the bed, my heart pounding in my chest.

A small, white-cloaked object lay hidden in the shadows. With trembling hands, I reached out and retrieved the mysterious object, the fabric cool against my skin.

Emerging from the chambers, I closed the door behind me. A fierce grin spread across my lips as I gazed upon the weapon.

"Now it will all be over, King Luths," I whispered.

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