Chapter 17

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Lucian POV:

Bella and I descended the grand staircase, the ornate paintings lining the walls catching her attention. I promised to show her the castle's wonders after our journey to the kingdom of Dotris. As we entered the throne hall, Bella gasped in awe at its magnificence.

"Do you like it?" I asked, hoping to share my excitement.

"It's so grand," she replied, her eyes scanning the room. "We don't have a throne room this large in Fiore."

"Bella," someone called out, turning to face Luths, who was approaching with a warm smile. Bella dashed over to hug him, a sight that always stirred a twinge of jealousy in me. She seemed to light up around him in a way she never did with me.

As Bella and Luths chatted animatedly, I made my way to the throne and seated myself. Clearing my throat, I gathered their attention.

"I've gathered everyone here for an announcement," I began, glancing at Bella and Luths, who both turned to look at me with curiosity. Bella's expression quickly changed to one of shock, causing me to follow her gaze. There it was, my throne, crafted from the bones of a human.

"To announce that upon our return, Princess Isabella of the kingdom of Fiore and I will be wed," I declared, a smirk playing at my lips. Bella's reaction was surprising. She turned to Luths, whispering something to him in a low voice.

"I want invitations sent to all the kingdoms. They shall have their queen upon my return," I stated firmly. Bella looked slightly fearful, and I realized that this was all new and overwhelming for her. I raised my hand to quiet the room, determined to ease her apprehension. She would need time to adjust to her new role as my queen.

I approached Bella and Luths, standing resolutely before them. "We're heading out now. Do you have anything to say?" I asked, directing my question to Luths. Bella's gaze shifted to him, her expression fraught with hurt, as he simply shook his head.

His lack of argument or objection struck me as suspicious. I turned to face Alex, who mirrored my confusion. "What's with him? Is he planning something?" I inquired through our mind link.

"I don't know, Lucian, but there's definitely something on his mind," Alex replied.

"Keep an eye on him. If you notice anything suspicious, tell me," I instructed before turning back to Bella. Taking her hand in mine, I began to lead her away when Luths halted me.

"Lucian, I'd like a moment alone with her, please," he requested. I pondered his request for a moment. After all, she was soon to be mine, and I desired her undivided attention.

"Luths, let me remind you of something. Just because you're my fiancée's father doesn't mean you should address me by my name," I reminded him firmly. He nodded, offering a swift apology.

As Bella walked toward him, Alex and George approached me. I stepped back, giving them space to converse.

"Lucian, how many days are you going to be there?" Alex inquired, my voice filled with anticipation.

"The party is tomorrow night, I think I will come after that," I replied.

Before we could delve further into our discussion, George, stepped forward with a suggestion. "My Lord, I would like to say something," he began, seeking permission to share his thoughts.

I gestured for him to proceed, curious about his proposal. "I think you should stay there one more day," George continued.

"I have heard the King of Dotris has beautiful gardens of flowers, and in his place, he has a stunning waterfall. You should take Bella there."

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