Chapter 20

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Lucian POV:

That purple dress hugged her curves, accentuating every graceful line of her form. In the soft glow of the chandeliers, she looked ethereal, a goddess amongst mortals.

"My angel," I whispered to myself, unable to tear my gaze away. "She's gorgeous in every possible way."

But beneath the surface of my adoration, a primal urge stirred. My inner wolf prowled, hungering for her, craving to claim her as my own. "Let me tear that piece of cloth from her and devour her," it growled.

As we descended the staircase, her delicate fingers clutched my arm, grounding me in the present moment. Oblivious to the turmoil within me, she radiated innocence, a stark contrast to the darkness that brewed beneath my facade.

"She will be all ours to devour once the wedding happens," I mused silently, already envisioning the passion that would ignite on our wedding night. The mere thought of tasting every inch of her skin sent shivers down my spine, igniting a fire within me that threatened to consume all reason.

"Lucian, control," I admonished myself, struggling to rein in the primal urges that threatened to overpower me.

As the guard announced our arrival, a hush fell over the room, all eyes turning to us in reverence. We were the center of attention.

"Oh, Queen Isabella, you look stunning," Linda's voice cut through the silence, drawing my beloved's attention. She smiled graciously, acknowledging the compliment with a warmth that pierced my heart.

"Thank you, Linda," she replied her smile a beacon of light in the sea of faces. Oh, how I longed for her to smile at me with the same affection.

Ethan's interruption brought me back to the present. With a nod, I acquiesced, taking my seat beside her as the celebrations began in earnest.

Amara's speech and the cutting of the cake seemed frivolous to me, mere distractions from the true desire that burned within me.

"Everything is so beautiful," she exclaimed her voice a melody that soothed the turmoil within me. Yet, as I watched her gaze sweep across the room, her eyes alight with wonder, I couldn't help but marvel at her innocence, her ability to find joy in the simplest of things.

As the soft melody filled the air, I couldn't help but admire the beauty of the moment. I turned to her, hopeful, and asked, "Do you like it? If you'd like, we can have this at our wedding." However, in an instant, her expression shifted, her eyes dimming with an unspoken sadness. Deep down, I knew she didn't envision a future with me, yet I clung to the hope that her feelings might change.

"Hmm," she murmured, her gaze drifting downward.

Concerned, I gently inquired, "How's your hand doing now?" I glanced up, meeting her eyes with worry and care.

"It's okay," she reassured me, a faint smile tugging at her lips, "it just burns sometimes, but I'm fine."

As the evening progressed and the music swelled, the crowd around us swayed to the rhythm of the song. Amidst the revelry, Amara, approached us with a request.

"My lord," she began, bowing respectfully, "if you don't mind, can you dance with me?"

I felt a surge of annoyance at the interruption, my patience wearing thin. "No," I replied curtly, my tone betraying my irritation.

"I swear, I'll kill her in front of her parents if she does anything else," I thought, my frustration bubbling beneath the surface.

"Oh... okay," Amara faltered, her disappointment evident as she turned to leave.

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