Chapter 26

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Lucian POV:

As John and I clashed, he suddenly pushed me aside and bolted. I had to navigate through Lorenzo's men, who stood between me and John as I pursued him.

But amidst the chaos, my thoughts were consumed by Bella's safety. If anything were to befall her, I swore to unleash hell upon the world.

The skirmish seemed unending, but eventually, Lorenzo's men began to retreat, scattering like leaves in the wind. I wasted no time and went in search of John and Lorenzo, but they had vanished into thin air.

"Lucian, I think they're all gone," Alex remarked as he approached me.

"Perhaps we overpowered them," I replied, though uncertainty lingered in my mind. "He will return, Alex, and find Isabella. He was following her." Determined, we combed through the castle, hoping to find a trace of Bella.

Our search proved futile until I stumbled upon Luths' lifeless body, his head grotesquely severed and discarded. Bella had been with Luths. If Lorenzo was responsible for this, did he take Isabella with him? The thought ignited a fierce urgency within me.

"Alex, come to the east side of the castle, in the corridor. There's a body of... Luths," I mind-link, my voice heavy with concern.

"I'm worried about Bella, where she has gone," my wolf interjected mournfully.

"She'll be alright. We'll find her," I reassured him, though my own doubts loomed large.

After a while, Alex arrived with a few soldiers, his gaze somber as he took in the sight of Luth's body. "Where is Isabella? Did he take her? Is that why they returned?" Alex's voice was filled with concern.

I scanned the area, my heart sinking at the realization that Isabella was nowhere to be found. "I don't know. I didn't find her here," I replied, my voice heavy with worry.

Just then, a soft voice called out from behind us. "Father?" It was Bella. Liam and Louis were with her, a sight that brought some relief. They must have been the ones who kept her safe during this ordeal.

As Bella stood there, her gaze fixed on the ground, I knew she wasn't supposed to see this gruesome scene. "Bella, I'm so glad you're okay. We were all worried about you," I said, walking over to her. With a subtle signal to Alex, we began to move Luth's body, hoping to shield Bella from further distress.

But Bella surprised us, her voice unwavering as she asked, "What happened to him?" Her eyes remained fixed on Luth's lifeless form.

"Bella, let's get you to your room. You must be tired," I suggested, trying to gently turn her away from the grim sight.

Her grip tightened as she pulled away. "Stop, Lucian," she said, taking a step closer to Luth's body. Alex hesitated, ready to take the body away, but Bella stood firm. "Why are you taking him away from me?" she questioned, her voice filled with confusion and sadness as she looked down at the lifeless figure before her.

"Where is the head?" She asked quietly, her gaze fixed on the body before her, her face a mask of unreadable emotion, devoid of tears.

I signaled for Alex to bring the head, and he did so, placing it gently beside Luth's body. As she looked upon the grim sight, a single tear escaped her eye.

"How could someone be so cruel as to kill him like this?" she whispered, her voice breaking with emotion.

"He can't be dead. He promised he would find me and come back," she said, her voice trailing off as she collapsed to the ground, her tears now flowing freely. The silence around us was heavy with grief.

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