Chapter 7

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John POV:

The wind howled through the barren landscape of the northeastern wilds. I, found himself shivering in the darkness, his world shattered by the cunning machinations of Lucian. The betrayer had not only seized the throne but had also snatched away Isabella, the love of my life.

Amidst the desolation, me and my father sought refuge, and our lives were reduced to a desperate struggle for survival. We were now nothing more than wandering men, homeless and hungry.

As the fire flickered, My eyes burned with a fierce determination. My gaze was fixed upon the radiant moon overhead.

"Father, I want to kill him," I declared.

Henry paused in his attempt to kindle the flames. He looked at his son. "Stop talking like a stupid John," he admonished, his eyes reflecting the harsh reality they faced. "We both know we can't. He is a fucking beast, not a human. Forget about the kingdom."

Yet, My determination refused to waver. "I don't want the kingdom," I insisted, MY voice a low growl. "I don't want to become a king of Fiore. I want to rule the world like him, and most importantly, I want my Bella by my side. I want her, father, and I will do anything to make her mine."

Henry studied his son, his eyes narrowing as he sensed the ominous undercurrent in John's words. The intensity with which he spoke, the obsession to reclaim Isabella, raised a silent alarm within the father. I turned to face my father, the crackling flames of the campfire casting flickering shadows on our faces.

"Father, do you remember everyone saying something about the moon goddess? Do you think she will help us?" I inquired, my eyes fixed on his weathered face.

"That's not true, it was just a myth," he replied dismissively, his hands deftly working on scaling the fish. "We too thought Lucian and the beasts were just myths at some point."

"I think this will also be true. I want powers to kill him so that I will make Bella mine and rule the world," I declared.

My father paused, glancing up at me. "How can you be so sure that she is also true, and what are you going to do to give her a reason to grant you powers?"

Before I could formulate a response, a sudden intrusion shattered the moment. Someone placed a cloth bag over our faces. Panic surged through me as I instinctively tried to free myself, but the assailants were too strong. Was this Lucian's soldiers, sent to kill us for good?

Unknown POV:

"We have to kill him. I would not let him take over the world once more. I'm going to brutally kill him," I declared.

"My Lord, we got information about King Lucian," the man began, only to find himself abruptly silenced as my rage manifested. Before another word escaped the informant's lips, I swift, merciless strike reduced the messenger to lifeless fragments.

"Do not, I mean never call him king in front of me," I snarled, disposing of the remains without a hint of remorse. I turned to another subordinate, demanding information with a cold demeanor.

"What is the information?" I questioned.

"My Lord, Lucian was about to attack Kingdom Fiore, but he spares them," the messenger revealed, catching me off guard. The revelation struck a chord of disbelief, as Lucian sparing a kingdom seemed inconceivable.

"He took the princess of Kingdom Fiore with him instead of battle, the three kingdom kings will rule under him," the messenger continued.

Lucian's motives became clearer, yet one question lingered like a haunting shadow, why the princess? My contemplation was interrupted by the distant screams of men, signaling the arrival of captives.

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