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** Esme is now two years old and she loooooooooves to help out in any way she can with her sisters and brother! She is figuring out the wonderful thing about potty training! As for the triplets are now FOUR MONTHS OLD, Noah hates TUMMY TIME Ellamae doesn't mind it and Elizabeth LOVES TUMMY TIME ! **

Esmeralda: momma look it's sunny outside, can I go play outside??
Victoria: of course we can , but we have to wait until grandma gets here so we can go just me and you!
Esmeralda: ohhhh wait! Esme and mommy time ?
yessssss ! I looooooooove it!
Come on grandma!! ** she climbed up on the couch and watched patiently for her grandma to come in the driveway so she could go play outside with her momma! ALL BY HERSELF!! **

Nonna Ruiz ( mommy Ruiz) is here!!! And little Esmeralda is really really excited to see her grandma but she's also really really excited to go outside with her momma! And have her all to HERSELF! Theo and Victoria bought a jungle gym thing in the backyard with slides , swings and monkey bars ! And little Esme is really really excited to show her mommy how she can go up and down the slide without any help**

Esmeralda: momma I'm ready!!!! Come on momma !
Victoria: thank you so much for coming over to help !
Nonna : oh please it's my pleasure!! Now go play with your oldest kid !
Victoria: alright! Esme do you have to go potty ?
Esme: No momma I good ! Let's go outside I want show you something!!
Victoria: alright!! ** she sat down on the swings and watched her little two years old daughter going up and down on the slide **
Esme : loooooooook mommmmy ! Im going to climb up all by myself!!
Victoria: okay! Be careful!
Esme : mommy! It's not my first time doing that! ** she said with both of her little hands on her hips **

**Victoria couldn't help but laugh **

You are a really big girl now
Esme: yes i know mommy
I'm your big girl right,?
Victoria: that's right, you sure are!!
Esmeralda: okay!! Mommy mommy come over and slide with me please please
**Victoria couldn't resist her little princess's demands**

Alright I'm coming
Esmeralda: yayyyyyy !!! I love spending time with you alone , I love my sisters and brother sooooo much, but they are still little babies and they can't play with me yet ,
Victoria: yea I know, but don't worry they will grow up pretty fast and they will run around with you all over the house and yard ,
Esmeralda: really??
Victoria: yessssss !
Esmeralda: can't wait for the day to come mommy!!
** Theo came back from work and he absolutely loved seeing his wife and oldest daughter playing together **

Theo : hiiiii baby girl!!
Esme : hiiii daddy ! Look I can climb up on the steps to the slide all by myself!
Theo : ohhh I want to see that
Are you sure you don't need any help ?
Esme : No ! Im a big GIRL DADDY ! Just watch !!
Theo : alright!! I'm watching!!
** Just like she told her daddy , Esme did climb up on the platform and then came back down on the slide and giggled away as she knew both of her parents were watching her!! She needed this alone time with them so she knew that her parents still loved her **

Victoria: Esme girl , we love you sooooo much!! And just because we have Elizabeth, Ellamae and Noah here , it doesn't mean we don't love you anymore okay?
Esmeralda: really??
Victoria: yes ! It just means that we love you even more because we have enough love to give to the three of you ! Our beautiful children!!
** It was getting dark outside so the three of them came back inside and Esme had a massive smile on her face **

Esme : I had lots of fun today mommy!! Thank youuu for spending time with me !!
** she hugged both of her parents **

Victoria and Theo : we did have a lovely time with you too baby!

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