she ... did WHAT? Who the fuck does this? 🤯

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Two months later,
Tuesday October 21 st 2019
9h59 am

**Maya has been going back to work.. her month of parental leave was over, Maya and Carina's master bathroom has now been remodeled and been redecorated just like Carina and Maya have wanted, it has a new step to go into the bath tub, the sinks have been redone , they pretty much kept the same layout to their master bathroom; the only change was the floorings . The kids were all in school and daycare. Only Ryann was home ! **

**Both of the moms were admiring their brand new shower **
Maya: it's even looks bigger somehow!
** as she is holding Ryann in her arms  with her soaked blanket since she's an extremely warm baby, her body temperature has always been extremely high , ever since she was born. **

Carina: siiii , I absolutely love it!! ** She faces Her wife and almost three months old daughter and kisses them **
Should we go back downstairs?
Maya: yea ! Let's !

** Carina and Maya were both concentrated on getting downstairs safely, the tv was on , but muted and when Maya got to the very last step of the stairs...**
Maya: what the actual fuck is going on?
**Carina wasn't looking at the tv , she was looking at her wife and last baby ever, full of love and admiration for both of them **
Excuse meee —-
**Carina turned around to see the horrific scene on the tv**
Maya: that's.... In our neighborhood babe?
Carina: yep!!
**  As she was going to grab Ryann from Maya's extremely shaky arms so looked out the living room window and she saw ambulances and police cars and fire trucks sirens were non stop wailing **

Carina: do you have to go to the scene?
Maya: i am off shift today! So I shouldn't be called in !
Carina: okay.. ** she unmuted the tv**
What—— how can someone do this to a ... I can't even say it out loud!
Tyler Chang : apparently the mother of four brutally killed her 3 children and one of them survived the whole ordeal by setting UP FIRE TO HER HOUSE... She attempted to commit suicide afterwards... the kids were 4 , 8, 12, and 13 years old.
Ellen Montenopolus : do we know who out of the four survived ?
Tyler Chang: No , for now we don't know their names or who out of the four survived , more information will follow !
Ellen Montenopolus : okay, thank you Chang ,
Tyler : oh before we go a Neighbour of the said woman said that she's always been unpredictable and she would always beat her children up when she had severe mood swings!!
Tyler Chang : this has been Tyler Chang for  Seattle News 9 !

**Maya grabbed the remote from her extremely distraught wife And muted it again **
Maya: wow! Some people really really aren't fit to be parents!
Carina: yea I know... what kind of a messed up world are we living in babe? That's basically 3 out of 6 of our children's ages Bambina!
Maya: I know...
**Carina had Ryann on her chest and cuddles her with her left hand on her baby's back and didn't want to look away from her three months old daughter **
Carina: I think I'm going to be sick ... from those horrendous images from the news!
** she quickly gave her daughter to Maya and she eventually threw up a few times **
Maya: okay.... I
** A few minutes later the kids came back home from school **
**Chloe and Lorenzo along with the twins all got off the bus . Maya quickly shut the tv off **
Maya: babe, the kids are home from school
Carina: okay... ** she coughs several times **
Maya: are you okay babe?
Carina: No I'm traumatized by those images but I uhhh ! ** at this moment the kids busted inside the door extremely happy **
Chloe: hiiii moms! Hi Ryann!!
Maya: hiii guys, how was your day?
Lorenzo; hiii moms! Uhh it was okay...
Violet: hiiii moms!! My day was okay!
Scarlett: hiiii moms, my day was good
Maya: are you okay babe! ** as she turns towards her wife **
Carina: yea , go !
**Maya was going to get Alessandro from daycare **
Maya: okay guys, I'll go get Alessandro from daycare and I'll be right back! ** she whispers DONT THINK ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON ON TV**
Carina: I'll try not too!
Violet: momma why were you crying? What happened?
Carina: ohhh Bambina, it's fine, momma is just extremely tired and I cry over anything and everything! I'm fine Mi amore!
Scarlett: are you sure you are okay momma?
Carina: yesss ! ** as she wipes her tears away from her eyes and holds Ryann , and she rocks her back and forth **

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