I know its going to be worth it

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Tuesday January 26 th 2019

**Carina is 14 th weeks pregnant with baby #6 ! And um this pregnancy really hasn't been like any other of Carina's . She's constantly getting hooked up on the baby monitor... Addison is coming over for a home visit. Maya is hopeful that everything is going to be fine. Carina is too ... but there's a little voice inside her head reminding her be careful. This is. Really risky ... take a breath everything is going to be okay... **

**The kids are in school...
Maya is trying to get her wife to calm down but she's spiralling and thinking the absolute worst...
Carina is on the couch with both of her legs straightened out and she's not doing too good... **

Carina: babbbbe , can you please give me a hot face cloth....
Maya: yes of course here's your cold water with ice cubs !
Carina: thank youuu Bambina!!
Maya: babe, tell me what's on your mind? I can tell you are spiraling out and I am here to help and listen...
Carina: okay.. I know im annoying but I keep getting a weird feeling that isn't the brightest idea ever and I know once the baby is going to be here hopefully all healthy... it will all be things of the past ... but babe, I know what Addison is going to say in a couple minutes and I'm PETRIFIED OF something going wrong....
Maya: okay... look we are doing everything you would suggest any patients of yours who's 38 years old with a new baby on the way....
Carina: yea but we also have 7 children who needs both of their parents here ! And I hate being on forced bed rest , I want to go outside and walk around the neighborhood... but I'm legit too scared of moving in case anything happens.. and I'm always hooked up on the fucking monitor... I know it's necessary to And I'm glad Addison and I got the same idea but so many things can go wrong and if god forbid something happens to the baby it's going to be all my fault!!! ** she started sobbing uncontrollably **
Maya: Okay, every emotions you are having right now... is totally normal but let's— ** Addison was in the driveway and heading to the front door **
Maya: Addison is here babe,

** she stopped stocking her wife's hair and she goes to open the door **

She's going to tell us all of our options!
Carina: okay...
Maya: hi Addison, how are you doing?
Addison: hi Maya, im doing good today thanks' how are you?
Maya: im doing good... someone is not on the other hand...
Carina: hi Addison!
Addison: okay... hi Carina.... I know it can be nerve wracking but you knew what to do as soon as you found out you were pregnant...
Carina: yea ... but now I'm spiralling like crazy... I keep thinking it's a bad idea to want another baby ! I mean who the heck randomly decides " oh I'm perfectly healthy and strong and I have 7 children who are totally perfect and healthy and just because I miss the new born stages ... im FOURTY years old! Let do it again" !
Addison: okay... deep breath's in and out!! Everything is going to be fine... it's totally fine and normal to feel like that... you have really really strong motherly instincts and you love being a momma!
Carina: yea ....
Maya: okay... we will get through this!
Carina: I'm just tired of being hooked up on the monitors but I know it's necessary...
Addison: you can go outside and walk ...
Maya: that's what I said but she's too scared
Addison: scared of what?
Carina: scared to MOVE ! Or to breathe too fast ... like I know the risks !
Addison: well let's not go straight from everything is fine to OH MY GOSH IM DYING !
Carina: okay thank you... im sorry i DIDNT have the energy to get dressed....
Addison: ohh it's totally fine!! Be as comfortable as you can! I'll do the ultrasound now and we'll go from there okay!
** Carina is completely flat on her back and her legs are straighten out completely! And her head is tilted all the way back to the end of the couch **
Carina: okay.... Maya, stay with me please!
Maya: im here ! Im not going anywhere...
Carina: okay im ready!
What ultrasound is the best a vaginal one or a —
Addison: I can do both.. to reassure you
Carina: okay....
Hang on I'll take my underwear off!!  Yea I'd prefer that thank you!!
** one minute later Carina took off her underwear and got back on the couch where she had chux pads underneath her bottom half **

Carina: okay I'm ready now!
Addison: Alright , you know the drill !
Carina: unfortunately I do ! It's going to be cold ! Go I'm ready!

Addison: okay deep breath's...

Maya: I know both of you know these but im totally clueless so I'm going to ask just so I know what to look for okay my love?
**Carina nods **
I know!
Maya: what is the geriatric symptoms I should look out for?
—High blood pressure, which can lead to preeclampsia (dangerously high blood pressure and organ damage)
— Gestational diabetes.
—Miscarriage or stillbirth.
— Labor problems that require you to have a C-section.
— Premature birth.
— Low birthweight.
—- Chromosome disorders in the baby, like Down syndrome.

Maya: okay thank you, I'll write it down so I know what to look for!

** and as she heard Addison say what she already knew out loud she burst down into tears **

Carina: what am I ..... doing .... This is the dumbest thing I've ever done in my entire life... I won't forgive myself if any of these things happen to the baby...
Addison: okay... listen to the heart beating ! Everything is going well so far ! You're very careful about this , as you were with all of your pregnancies... so far you have nothing to worry about!
**Carina looked at the screen**
What??  Really?
Addison: yes ! Everything is going well! No signs of chromosomes disorders... it's too early to say that you're going to have labour issues but you are only fourteen weeks!
Carina: okay thank you!! And thank goodness!!
Addison: yea i'd even say you can skip the next seven weeks from the monitor... go outside and get some fresh air, I would also have some alone time with Maya , just to relax and focus on the new little baby coming!!
Carina: okay!!  I know that I made the right decision with this one too like our other five children...
Maya: babe, everything is going to be fine... you just didn't feel complete ! I get it!
Carina: exactly, it's like our family is a puzzle and this new baby is the missing and final piece of the puzzle in order to be complete.

Maya: don't worry I understand....
I just love you soooooo much... and watching you being pregnant while being at higher risk is really amazing... I'm in awe with how you are managing the pregnancy....

Carina: well I have the best birthing/ pregnancy coach and the best wife ever! So I win really!

*** Maya and Carina both kiss each other several times **
Carina: I'm so profoundly relieved that everything is going well
Maya: me too mon amour
Carina: kiss me
Maya: gladly!!

** Addison leaves their house and heads back to her house, Maya and Carina relaxed with their kids and they watched a movie together!!
The TWO MOMMA MIA MOVIES !! The kids loved it . Violet knows that there is a other baby in her momma's stomach so she comes every once in a while caressing her little hands on her momma stomach and kissing it ! every one was in bed early! **

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