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Wednesday October 22 nd 2019

5h37 am
**Carina is in bed breastfeeding Ryann, and she's looking at fun activities her and Maya can do with their children over the weekend, Maya woke up to go to the bathroom and came back to see her wife wide awake while her little little three months old Ryann was asleep on her wife's breasts even though she's still eating. **

Maya: hi my love!
Carina: ohh hi Bambina! ** she leans over for a kiss**
Maya: what are you doing on your laptop this early?
Carina: well I've been waiting for her to be finished with her feed, so I decided to look at fun activities we could do this weekend!
Maya: okay! We can go camping?
Carina: what ? Camping with SIX CHILDREN one of them is A THREE MONTH OLD DAUGHTER?
Maya: yea I know baby, but it can be fun , the outdoors, no wifi, one on one time with our family, have life discussion with them..
Carina: can I think about it Bambina, I'm not really an OUTDOOR PERSON!
Maya: yes you can think about it, of course, it's only WEDNESDAY!
Carina: okay grazie mille !

Maya: have a good day at school guys, be respectful to everyone, teachers, students faculty members,
Chloe: yes mommy!
Violet: yes ! We will mommy!
Scarlett : we are mommy!!
**Carina came back down with Ryann in her arms**
And what do we do if someone is being mean with us?
Everyone: we stand up for them ! We say no to bullies!
Carina: excellent!! Now go , the school bus is here! Have a wonderful day , we love you all so much!!

The kids are now back home from school and they have lots of things to say , the twins are in different classes so they have different friends and learning experiences.
** Ryann is sleeping in her momma roo swing **
Carina: so how was your day at school? We want to know all about it
Maya: yesss , did you learn anything new?
Lorenzo: umm I'll start , because I have lots of homework to do , ummm I didn't learn anything new today but I did make a new friend, his name is Diego Sanchez and he's twelve years old like me , he's from Mexico and he has a twin brother named Dante , he is not in my class though, that's it.
Maya: alright well thank youuu for sharing! Call us if you need help with your homework
Lorenzo: yes , will do mommy!
Carina: excellent! Who's next!
Chloe: uhhh I'll go , uhh I learned that my teacher is pregnant and she's going to have to leave teaching next year and I don't want to have another teacher, I mean I'm very very happy that she's going to have another baby but I don't want to lose her as a teacher
Carina: awnnn ! I understand that feeling completely! But who knows maybe she's going to come back to the class and show you her new baby...
Chloe: yea maybe... ohhh wait momma, she might be one of your future patients!!!
Carina: hmmm probably... I'll have to see.
Chloe: okay, let me know if she is , I'll go do my homework too!
Carina: okay Bambina!!
Okay my two favourite little munchkins! What did you learn today?
Scarlett : well, many things, I learned how to write my name , FIRST AND LAST NAMES !
Oh aand I have one of the three newest triplets in the first grade , her name is Hazel I came up to her and introduced myself to her, I told her that I was well am a triplet too!
Maya: ohh that's amazing! What about you Violet , are Hazel's twins in your class?
Violet : yea , I also went an introduced myself. And told them that I was a triplet too , with Scarlett ,
But their names are Noah and Rhett !
Carina: hmmm interesting, and those are very beautiful names and I'm very proud of you girls for introducing yourselves to them and making them feel comfortable and welcome!
Scarlett : No problem
Violet: ohhh , i hope i didnt make you upset momma
Carina: awnnn picolina, why would I be upset?
Violet: well because we were... triplets and our Angel baby C didn't survive... and I saw how devastated it made you the other day... when you showed us our ultrasound pictures,
Carina : awnnn ,  that's very very sweet of you, but I am fine now Bambina. It's okay.. I know we will see baby C again... when we go live with Jesus. That baby is reserving us a special place with Jesus.
Violet: okaaaay momma , ** she gave her momma a big hug and kisses before she went to play with her dolls **
Scarlett : you really think that the baby is reserving a place for us all for when we go up to heaven momma?
Carina: siiii, I am pretty sure of it, now, go play for a while, mommy will go pick up Alessandro and I'm staying right here, I have to work on something...
Scarlett and Violet : okay momma!!


**Maya got back home with Alessandro and he fell asleep on the way home , he was playing outside with his daycare group when Maya came to pick him up. So Maya carried him inside and laid him down on the couch and took off his little sweater he had on so he wouldn't be too hot. Carina is now changing Ryann's diaper and puts Ryann in her momma roo swing and goes to cuddle with her baby boy ! **

Later that night
Carina: okay but about that camping thing, we half of our kids are like ME WHO LOOOOOVED THE BEACH AND SUMMER ACTIVITIES, and the other half of the kids are like you where they LOOOOOOOOOVE TO GO OUT IN THE SKI SLOPES AND BUILT IGLOOS! Babe, I never went camping.... Are you sure it's a good idea?
Maya: yes I know half of the kids are more adventurous like me and some are laid back and enjoy the beach and the sun... but camping is a really really good thing for them, it teaches them responsibilities and they don't have their nose in their cellphone and we can actually have face to face conversations with them, babe come on,
Carina; okay I see, but umm you forgot about one very very important and essential detail about camping!
Maya: okay what's that? We have a tent babe everything is going to be fine!
Carina: yea I know that.. but it's not that ...
Maya: then what is it?
Carina: baby , it's the middle of OCTOBER! It's freezing cold now, and I'm not bringing six children under twelve camping in the middle of OCTOBER Bambina!
Maya: ouhhhh right , I forgot it was October! So May we re visit the idea next summer?
Carina: siiiii, now come here next to us, ** she's breastfeeding Ryann and she's on her side facing maya .... With her right breast out of her nursing bra and she puts out her hand so Maya will come lay down next to her **

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