Saturday MARcH 16 th 2019**Carina is now 24 weeks pregnant and is now entering the THIRD TRIMESTER! So far everything looks great with the baby... and she's now laying down on her right side with her hands under her head and has fallen asleep! Maya is outside with the kids!! **
10h 30
Maya: guys , whisper voices, momma is still sleeping... shhhhhhh !
Violet: Awnn ! I wanted to feel the baby move !!
**Carina groans a little bit **
Hrmmmm! Hiiiii guys! ** she straightened herself up and sat down correctly on the couch **
Did you have fun outside?
Lorenzo: ohhh yessss we did !
Violet: ohhh , did I wake you up momma?
Carina: oh , you didn't... I just gotten out a few minutes ago to go to the bathroom...
Violet: ohhhh okay !! Can I feel the baby?
Carina: of course you can , everyone can ! But I'm going to go back to the bathroom and be back in a few minutes! Maya can you help me get to the bathroom please!
Maya: yes of course!!!** Carina went to the bathroom and she wanted to go out for a walk so Kayla stayed inside with the rest of the kids while Carina and Maya went out and walked around the neighborhood.. for twenty minutes...
Carina: hmmmm the fresh cold air is amazing!!!!
Maya: yea , it does feel nice!
Carina: yea !
Maya: you seem to be doing better now no ?
Carina: oh I'm okay... still anxious about everything... but I'm managing my emotions and keep repeating to myself everything is going to be fine !
Maya : okay! Well im just in awe with you! ** she kisses her wife **
Carina: thank youuu, but why ?
Im a huge mess and annoying everyone with my worries about this pregnancy..
Maya: No , we are not doing this again, you are doing everything right, you are incredibly strong...
Carina: okay... you still love me?
Maya: babe, I never stopped! You are the strongest person I know!
**Carina cries and grabs her wife by the shirt collar And groans **
Ahhhhhhh ! Let's go back home now!!!
Maya: Yess !!
** 19 minutes later Maya and Carina both come back in their house and Carina feels like she needs to relax so she quickly removes her sweatpants and gets under the blankets and she only has a t shirt on and her underwear **11h49
Violet: momma, can I talk to the baby now?
Carina: of course you can Mi amore ! The baby knows everyone's voices!
Violet: I go first lessandro!! hi little baby, im your big sister Violet, I can't wait to meet you!!! Mouahhhhh !
Carina: awnnn that's so sweet of you princessa!!
Alessandro: Awnn ! I wanted to go first !
Maya: No fighting guys, everyone is going to have a turn !
Scarlett : I want to kiss the baby too!
Carina: okay, stand up beind Violet!
**Alessandro is all excited he's going to be a big brother soon **
Lorenzo: ohhhh I really really hope it's a boy so that way it's even ! Four girls and four boys!!
I know we could literally predict what we are going to have... but if it's another sister I'm going to be happy too ! As long as the baby is healthy and momma is too! I don't really care
Chloe: yea me too!!
Why are you crying momma!
Carina: im crying because you guys are the sweetest kids ever and I know this is just extremely hard and only nine months of weird feelings and anxiety but it's going to be worth it!
Chloe: you are the strongest person we know!
Kayla: yea that's true!
Tristan : yep I second that ! We love you so much momma!!
Carina: awnnn , well I have wonderful children and an incredible wife so thank you for being patient with me through out this pregnancy! I swear this is the last one!
**Maya chuckles **
Carina: why are you laughing at me Bambina?!
Maya: I'm not laughing.. I just thought about that is what you said when you were pregnant with Alessandro three years ago...
Carina: okay... well... thank you for ruining the moment maya !!
Maya: what?Im sorry baby!
Carina : you better be!!
——— ————— ————- —————-
Violet: Mommy is it true it's me and Scarlett's birthday soon ?
Maya: yes it is baby girl!
** Carina has been so occupied and slightly forgot about her little twins SIXTH BIRTHDAY COMING UP **
Ohhhh shitttt !
Maya: everything is fine babe, I've got it all planned with Andy and Victoria, don't worry about it!!
Carina: okay thank you! ** she approached her wife's mouth and kissed each other and at the same time the baby kicked her so hard **Maya: you are welcome!
Carina : Ahhhhhhh owwwwwwww !!Maya: are you okay?
Carina: yes ! The baby kicked like crazy!
Maya: okay.. do you want to find out what we are having ?
Carina: I don't want to find out until it's born , but you can babe, im not going to be mad if you want to know!! It's okay..
Maya: yea ?
Carina: yes Bambina! I want to keep it a surprise because I AM LEGIT NEVER GOING TO BE DOING THIS AGAIN because of my age ! You can do a ultrasound on me now and I won't look at the screen!
Maya: are you sure?
Carina: babe, IM ONE THOUSAND PERCENT SURE ! You have the right to know...
Maya: okay... I'll be the only one to know! That's cool!
Carina: right? It's exciting!!** Maya then performed the ultrasound and found out what they are having... she won't tell anyone **
A few hours later
Carina: guys come here please! I want you all to know that you are just as important to me , to us !
Violet: what kind of activities are we going to do momma?
Carina: well I was thinking everyone could draw a picture and we could put it up in the babies room or up on the wall as we are coming up the stairs!! And then we can have a quiz on what the baby might be ! A boy or a girl?**Everyone is drawing their pictures for the last baby, once they were finished maya hung them up on the wall as they go up and down the stairs **
**They did the gender test the next day cause Carina was exhausted **
She Is MINE ! 🌷(THREE)
FanfictionPart THREE of my Carina and Maya storylines!! Thank youuu for following along , and I'm not sure how many parts this storylines is going to have ... so bare with me please! 💝