We don't use those words in this house!

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Thursday October 23 rd

**The kids have a half day at school and they don't have school the next day because it's Parents-Teachers CONFERENCE NIGHT!! Maya is also working a half day so she can help Carina with their six kids because, they are angels but when they act up it's um better to be two parents then one !**

**Maya is getting her smoothie ready and the kids are all dressed up and eating breakfast now, Ryann is in her momma roo swing and she just got her diaper changed**

Violet: momma ,
Carina: yes my love?
Violet: what do you do all day when we are in school?
Carina: ohhh , I do the dishes, several loads of laundry even though mommy told me to take it slow but it's okay because I gave birth three months ago so i can do more things around the house! And most of all ,
Violet: ohhh right, so you basically don't relax?
Carina: ehhh ! Sometimes, but you know what?
Violet: what?
Carina: you kids are truly amazing and we are very blessed and very proud to be your moms! Right Bambina?
Maya: ohhh yes definitely
Carina: but most of all , I miss you all six sooooo much.
Scarlett : wait what? You really miss us when we are at school ?
Carina: Mais bien sure ma chérie ! Vous mettez de la vie dans nos journées et vous embellissez nos vies tout les jours et vous êtes les plus beaux cadeaux que deux parents peuvent demander...
N'est ce pas Maya
Maya : ohhh que oui

**The kids are off to school, Alessandro is staying home with Carina and baby sister Ryann, since everyone has a half day, Maya and Carina didn't want to send him to daycare for half a day**

Alessandro: so momma , what are we going to do , it's just me Ryann and you momma!
Carina: hrmmm, well I don't know what we should do, do you have any ideas?
** she is on the couch with baby Ryann laying down on her chest **
Alessandro: hrmmm we can build a huge FORT WITH my blocks! Or we play hide and seek, I hide and you seek me with Ryann.
Or we can colour in our colouring books !
Whatever you want to do momma !
Carina: hrmmm, we can do everything you suggested, what do you want to do first?
Alessandro: hmmm hide and seek first momma!!!
Carina: okay, perfect! I'm counting up to twenty and Ryann and I are going to come find you ! Ready ?
Alessandro: siiii momma!!!
Carina: go !!!
** Alessandro was super duper excited and happy that his momma was playing with him . HIS GAMES ! It made his day . **

Carina: nineteen, TWENTY !! Ready or not HERE WE COME!! ** she got up from the couch and groans a little, she suddenly began to have a severe stomach pain but she didn't want to stop from playing with her four year old son! So she pushed through the pain**

Carina: where can he be ? Do you know where he is ?
** Ryann was cooing on her momma's chest**
Maybe in the playroom?
** she goes to see on the playroom and she sees that Alessandro isn't in the playroom **
Okay , sooo he is not allowed upstairs so the only place he could be is the kitchen!!
**Alessandro is in the kitchen cupboard and he giggles because he thought she would have found him waaaay before this**
Carina: ohhhh , maybe he's in the fridge? No he's not in the fridge... hmm well he has to be in the pasta bowls !! ** she opens the cupboard doors and she does FIND HER FOUR YEAR OLD SON , she tickles him **
Alessandro: yayyy , momma , it was so hard not to laugh!
**Carina chuckles**
I bet!
Alessandro: okay that was fun ! What should we do next?
Carina: well I have to change your little sisters diaper... do you want to help me ??
Alessandro: of course I do momma!
Carina: alright! Let's go ** she goes back in the living room and in the little diaper change station and she lays down Ryann, and she lets out a little moan because her stomach is hurting a little bit more than earlier that day **
Alessandro: here you go momma, a fresh new diaper!!
Carina: thank youuu so much for your help!!
Alessandro: you welcome momma, are you okay? You keep doing weird noises... should we call mommy?
Carina: yea I'm fine, my stomach hurts.. but it's okay buddy!! I promise you im fine!
Alessandro: ohhh okay momma!

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