Postpartum depression is real?

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Saturday October 25 th 2019

**Carina has been feeling extremely down lately and she doesn't want to do anything.... But with SIX CHILDREN, a three month old who depend on her for food,it's going to be a wild ride !**

**The kids are up and ready for the day, Maya got up early with the kids, made them breakfast and she did find it weird that her wife hasn't been up with them .. she usually gets up around 8h-8h30 am ! **

Scarlett: when is momma going to wake up mommy?
Maya: I uhhh don't know when baby! She's been extremely exhausted lately.... And stressed about work .. so we all need to be more delicate with her then we normally are,
Lorenzo: wait, is momma sick ?
Maya: uhhh , not really, but she definitely doesn't have lots of energy, and has been feeling yucky lately!
Chloe: okay well we will be extremely careful and extra nice with her and us . And you too mommy!!
Maya: thank youuu, we appreciate it so much!
Chloe: ouhhhh mommy , should we make momma her breakfast and bring it upstairs so she could have the best day ever!
Violet: ouhhh and we can give her massages!! She loves massages!!
Maya: excellent idea girls, well eat your breakfast first and then we will make her one !

** Ryann is waking up and is crying and crying so Carina obviously gets up and picks up her baby girl and brings her back to her bed and breastfeed her**

Carina: why are you so cute huh baby girl?
** she kisses her little baby girl on her forehead . Maya and the kids all prepared Carina her breakfast, she could here little footsteps coming up the stairs she pretends to sleep just so she can be surprised by what her family has been up to **

8h38 am
Maya: okay whisper voices guys, momma is still asleep !!
Violet: shhhhhhh , guys,
Lorenzo : okay are we ready to surprise momma? Cause this breakfast tray is really heavy , mommy please open the door,
Maya: yes of course, ** she opens the door and lets everyone in their master bedroom **

Maya: good morning my love, look what we have for you
Violet: momma.... Momma! Look what we prepared for you!
Scarlett : your own breakfast in bed !!
**Carina begins to wake up and open her eyes and she puts her nursing bra back on , as Ryann is done eating for now, she picks her up and sits back up straight against the bed rest **

Ohhhh wow , what is all this ?
Chloe: well we noticed that you haven't been yourself lately and we wanted to do something for you so we all participated in making this yummy breakfast and we brought it upstairs for you.
Carina: you did ?
** She whipped out her tears away from her beautiful brown eyes **
Thank youuu guys so much!!
Violet: we love you soooo much and we are very very grateful for everything you and mommy do for us and we are big kids now, well four of us are anyways!
Alessandro: heyyy , im a big boy!! I cut the strawberries in little triangles all by myself.. with mommy's supervision! Now little babies don't do that huh !
**Carina laughs **
Well I really really am grateful for you all !! And it's true , I'm not really doing good at the moment but I think I know how to get rid of this "sickness"! And I should be back on my feet and my bubbly self again... soon ... I just need some rest more than anything else right now....
Maya: I can uhhh , do something to help you babe...
Carina: hmmm ! I won't shut down a massage...
Maya: okay right now?
Carina: well after I eat my breakfast... but yea please?
Maya: okay! I'm excellent at giving you massages
Carina: I know that... thank youuu Bambina!!
** she wanted kisses so Maya gave her wife several kisses **

Maya: do you think you have the energy to come downstairs and at least get out of our room, we can take better care of you if you are downstairs!

**Violet and Scarlett were extremely excited to have organized a little spa day for their momma **

Scarlett : okay momma , we have everything ready downstairs for you!!
Carina: what do you mean " everything ready"
Maya; come on , babe , the girls really really have been working non stop for a surprise for you!!
Carina: okay! Fine ! I'm coming!! But I have to pee first!! ** she was uncontrollably crying and it's a sign of postpartum depression... **
Maya: okay I'll help you get to the bathroom,

** Maya is holding Ryann in the baby carrier so it's easier to help Carina get around the house better **

Carina: oh my goodness I'm soooo fat
And unattractive! Oh and these stretch marks are definitely NOT GOING AWAY !
Maya: babe.... It doesn't matter if you have stretch marks for the rest of your life , I love you just the way you are, to me you are perfect. And like I keep saying you are perfect. And your body was the home of our babies, please don't ever say that you are ugly or fat because you are not. To me , now come downstairs the kids really really put all of their efforts and love on something just for you,
Carina: buuttt , I don't want to move .... I don't feel like doing anything I think I finally got the postpartum depression... you would think that I would have got that with the first baby but I don't know why..
Maya: okay..... well I'm just going to tell the kids that they did all of the things that they put all of the efforts ALL DAY , so you want to disappoint the kids my love?
Carina: uhhhhhhhhh ! I dont wa—- ughhh I hate it when you tug on my "'momma heart" strings like that!
Maya: ahhh ! Well I only do it when it's a case of desperate measures my love!
Carina: okay what should I wear?
** she is currently wearing her maternity leggings with her nursing bra on **
Maya: you are perfect like this
Scarlett : are you two coming moms! We are being extremely extremely patient...
Come on momma , you are going to love our surprise
Carina : I am coming my bambins !

**Maya helped their kids settle a massage table with a cover sheet so Carina could be totally naked under the sheet **
Chloe: okay, finally! ** she clears her throat **
Mrs Carina DELUCA-Bishop ?
Carina: uh yes that's me!
Chloe: oh perfect! Please follow me right this way!
** they went around the living room to pretend that they went through a real massage place's hallway. Carina was extremely shocked to say the least. That was the last thing on her mind **

Violet: hi ma'am , my name is Violet and I'll be your massage therapist for your front area , so if you could please lay down on your back and um take everything off , don't worry we have a sheet for the special door and umm
Carina: for my breasts?
Violet: yes THATS right , for your boobs!
Carina: did you help them set this up ?
Maya: they did everything themselves babe !
Carina: well I'm extremely impressed by all this setup!!
Lorenzo: well that's why we did this , we didn't want you to guess that we were going to give you a home made massage! And it's free! What's better then that?
Carina: nothing is , plus it's made by my lovely and perfect children !
**Violet closed her eyes **
Sooo are you on the sheet momma?
Carina: yes I am Violet !
Violet: okay perfect !

** Violet massaged every part of her momma's body and then Scarlett did the same thing but she massaged her momma's back, Lorenzo gave her a head massage, while Chloe gave her momma a hand and feet massage and Lorenzo placed two cucumbers on her eyes. He was all proud of his job of cutting two pieces of cucumbers **

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