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Saturday September 12 th 2018

** Carina couldn't sleep at all ! She didn't know why , so she decided to watch some YouTube videos and she came across twins and videos where their parents had their siblings guess Who is who and Carina thought it would be a fun idea ! **

**Maya went to the bathroom and when she came back in their bed she saw her wife sitting up straight and on her laptop **
Hrmmm , what are you doing up so early my love?
Carina: ohhh , I can't seem to fall asleep so I'm distracting myself! here's a thing we can do with the kids tomorrow, well today since it's past midnight!
Maya: okay, what is it?
** Carina turned her laptop towards her wife so she could see too **
Maya : ohhh that's a brilliant idea! Do you think Alessandro knows who is Violet and Scarlett ?
Carina: I know Lorenzo, and Chloe does , but Alessandro, not sure ! It's going to be interesting and fun to see ouhhhh , we HAVE TO DRESS THE SAME EXACT THING ! Exact same outfit!
Maya: alright, that's sounds like fun!
Carina: right!!

** maya and Carina both finally fell asleep **

10 h
Carina: guys, can everyone come in here for a few minutes please!
Everyone: yesss momma,
Carina: okay , I have a question for Chloe, Lorenzo, Alessandro and Tristan,
L, T, C & A  : ohhh okay what is your question!
Carina: okay so as you know VIOLET AND SCARLETT ARE ONE HUNDRED PERCENT IDENTICAL TWINS, my question is can you tell them apart?
Carina: I'll go get them dress in the exact same outfit and do their hair exactly the same ( a simple ponytail and blue jeans with a GRL PWR shirt ) and come back in a few minutes!
Violet: ohhhh this is so exciting momma!
Carina: right?? Okay let's go!!!
Scarlett: yeaaa ! I think they do know who is who!
Maya: so guys, do you think you can tell your identical twins sisters apart?
Lorenzo: ohhh I definitely can !
Maya: really? Okay!! I believe you all can!
Tristan : I'm going to try my best but in my defence I haven't been part of your family for so long! So I think it shouldn't count if I get them mixed up
**Carina is coming back downstairs with each twin holding her hands **
No talking girls ! And Tri, it's okay! Just guess who is who !
Tristan: I want to go first!
Maya: okay!!
*** Both twins are standing side by side facing their siblings ***
Carina: okay tri, whenever you are ready!!
Tristian: okay, I just want to say I'm sorry if I can't tell you apart yet, I haven't been in your life that long!!
** Violet and Scarlett both answered at the same time **
It's okay! Do your best ! We won't be mad!
Tristan: okay thank you!! Okay my guess is VIOLET IS ON THE RIGHT AND SCARLETT IS ON THE LEFT!'
Carina: alright!! So girls, did he get it right?
Maya : okay!!
Tristan: so did I get it right??
**Violet and Scarlett both had a big smile on their little faces ***
Violet and Scarlett : YESSS YOU DID !!
Tristan: really??
Oh my goodness! Like I think I've got it ... like I know one of you is taller than the other one!
But sometimes it simply depends on how you little princesses are standing up!!

Maya : okay girls we are going to cover Chloe and Alessandro eyes so you girls can switch places as much as you want okay?
Violet: okay! You got this Chloe!! And Alessandro!!!
**Scarlett and Violet both switched places while Carina counted to SIXTY !! **

Carina: fifty four, fifty five, fifty six , fifty seven, fifty eight, fifty nine SIXTY!!

**Scarlett is now on the RIGHT!! And Violet is on the LEFT **

Carina: okay Chloe lovey , which one is Scarlett?
Chloe: pfff I know who my identical twin sisters are come on moms ! Scarlett on the RIGHT AND VIOLET ON THE LEFT!
Alessandro: yayyyy coweeee !
Chloe: why thank you!
Maya: damn she's good!!
Carina: yea !
Alessandro it's your turn !!
Alessandro: okay i got this !!
I close my eyes mommy!!
Maya: okay!!! Ready ?
** Scarlett and Violet didn't switch places, **
Alessandro: I readyyyy
Carina: okay buddy!! Which side is Violet on ! Right or left?
Alessandro: Violet is on the LEFT SIDE AND SCARLETT IS ON THE RIGHT SIDE!!

Violet: yesss ! Ohhhh this was sooooo fun momma!! Can we go play now?
Carina: right) you girls loved that?
Scarlett and Violet : yessss we love dressing up the same momma!!
Carina: Like when they were tiny babies
Scarlett : yessss !
Well sometimes we do ! Cause we different even though we are identical twins moms!
Maya: yes that's totally okay!! You are allowed to !
Scarlett : yes ! My favourite colour is Orange
Violet: while mine is GREEN !! Come on Scarley let's go play with our American dolls !
Scarlett : yessss ! Good idea!
Carina: that's okay!! and both are beautiful colours
mes amours
Maya: yes exactly!!

** Maya and Carina kiss each other several times because they were so proud of their kids and parenting skills and teamwork they do each and every day ! Their six children are really not the worst children out there . Both Maya and Carina are aware of that , they have pretty well behaved kids , some other people have kids that throw tantrums in the mall and other public places, Carina and Maya's children don't do that anymore.. they are all grown up now!! **

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