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Armani's pov:

Keem and I were sitting at the head of the table I'm currently at a 'meeting' with my gang. We are deciding what our next moves will be until I heard some commotion and yelling through my earpiece I walked over to my security camera's when I saw the feds. 

I shot up panting heavily 'why do I still get those dreams' I asked my self. I tried to sleep but I kept seeing the images over and over again. I then decided to smoke a blunt so I opened the balcony door and lit the blunt.

  (Just for the record I don't smoke too often lets say I smoke once in the 2/3 months). After I finished my blunt I walked in again Only to see that It was 6 A.M already. 

I decided to go downstairs and make breakfast I walked down the stairs until I saw light coming from the kitchen already.

I saw Filly sitting on the kitchen counter. "Hey Mani why u up so early?" Filly asked "Couldn't sleep why are you up?"

"Niko a friend of mine thought it was funny to call me this early in the morning and prank me. But what is the real reason you are not asleep right now?" I stayed quiet and decided to ignore his question. 

"Tf is wrong with your friends?! I swear if one of my friends would call me this early in the morning for some stupid reason I would have killed them" "Hahaha calm down hothead" 

 Filly noticed that Armani didn't answer his question, but he knew better than forcing her into telling him so he just left it be.

 After a couple minutes of a comfortable silence Armani decided to eat some Yoghurt with fruit and muesli in it. "Filly you want some too?" "No thank u I'm going back to sleep" 

"Alright after I ate this I'm going to training because I have a big match coming up soon and coach wants me to be well prepared" "Alright stay safe yeah and when u get back you need to tell me more about your match yeah?"

 "Yeah alright, you want me to get you something on my way back?" "Nahh thank u" I just nodded at him and went upstairs to do a couple hygienic stuff, after finished I decided to put my hair into two braids and wear my all black Nike Tech Fleece tracksuit, Some black Nike gloves and my all black Nike Air Vapormax TN. I grabbed my car keys, my sportsbag and headed out.

Armani's outfit: 

Armani's outfit: 

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'•.¸¸.•''¯'••._.• 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘•._.••'¯''•.¸¸.•'

After 15 minutes I arrived at the gym it was currently 07:30 A.M. I parked my car grabbed my bag from the backseat I got out and locked the car. When I walked in I got greeted by everyone I just gave them a head nod and walked to the changing rooms.

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