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Armani's pov:

I was dragged out of my thought by my burner ringing. "Speak" is all I said before I heard a voice I thought I would never hear again.

"Wagwan A1 long time no see innit" I was to startled to even respond.

"What the cat ate your thong or sum?" the voice said. "What you want Jeremy" "I just wanna know how you are, is that a problem?" he tried to ask in a innocent way. "Just tell me what u want don't waste my time"

"Well I wanted to be nice but alright, I heard u back in the street's wouldn't think u would do that after what happened with your little boyfriend Keem" I didn't know how to respond to him.

"You know Armani I had to do it" "Yeah i'll be saying the same thing to ya marj when u being buried" and with that I hung up.

There were so many questions going around in my head. First of all, how did he know I was in the street's again and second of all, what does he mean with I had to do it?

My thoughts where interrupted by my phone ringing again. "What you want" I asked not having the energy to talk to anyone. "So man cant check up on you no more?" Filly asked.

"Oh my bad didn't check who was calling me, how are you tho?" I asked him. "Im doing good as always the real question is how are you doing? You be ignoring man"

"I didn't ignore you I just didn't respond" he chuckled. "Well the guys are asking about you they miss you and they want to discuss something with you innit"

"We'll what you want me to do about it?" I asked. "We'll come visit us today? Imma let them know bye" and with that he hung up. This bitch did not.

I texted him and told him I had a couple things I had to take care of and would try to come.

I grabbed my car keys and made my way to the prison. I hid my machete in the glove compartment and got out the car. When I arrived at the front desk I was greeted by the girl I learned her name was Lisa.

"Hey Armani Barrientos right? Here to visit Rico?" I nodded "alright you know the procedure" I gave her a little smile and walked towards the guards.

They did their little searching and let me in. I looked around a bit and saw that the room was empty. I sat on the table where we always sit and waited. Not even a minute later he walked in.

I got up and gave him a hug even tho its not allowed but I basically don't care. "Yooo how you doing" his deep plain voice echoed through the room. I let go of him and looked up at him. "Fucked"

"yea I could tell you never hug man" he said with a chuckle. I gave him a little smile. "How you be doing in this shit hole" "Well im doing as good as you can over here"

I nodded and we stayed silent. "I got something to tell you" we both said in sync.

"You go first" I said. "Well they letting me go out earlier if I keep showing good behaviour" I jumped up. "NO WAYYYY" "YESS WAYY" he said matching my energy.

"Nahhh you don't know how happy I'm for you" he smiled "now that I have told you my news you gotta tell yours" I looked down a bit and started to speak. "I'm back" I said scared for his reaction. "Your back what you mean your back" he asked I gave him a telling look and he stared at me.

"Since when?" he asked. "A couple days ago" "Why? Didn't you want to stop after what happened to you and Keem?" "Yea I did but I couldn't leave the mandam dry they need someone to take the lead" he just nodded and stared at me again.

"Are you just gona stare at me" I asked getting irritated cuz why he not helping me. "What about the kids?" he asked "they at Davids and Sharita's" he nodded again. "Well how is everything going now since you joined again?" he asked

"Good but I think we got a snake" "Why do you think that?" "Jeremy called me before I came here he told me that he knew I was back and that he had to do it"

"You gotta find the snake and take it down" I nodded "well my time is over I gotta go but you know what to do" and with that we got up and hugged each other bye.


Sorry for leaving ya waiting this long.
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