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Thank u guys so much for the 11k! i really love ya'll. Dont be a silent reader please and vote!

Omniscient pov:

Wednesday 03:45P.M.

It's been two days since the children have 'moved' in with their older sister. Armani had taken them shopping for new clothes and decorations for their rooms. She really tries her best to please them and to let them forget the events from two days ago.

Even though Armani is struggling with her own problems at the moment she tries to push them aside just so she could focus on taking care of the kids.

You see Armani had more of these dreams where Jakeem and her dad would scold her out for the things she does and used to do. And besides that Armani's street mentality is itching again. She feels guilty for leaving her mates the one who where there for her when she called them.

She is thinking about going back to the life she used to live for. Even though she wouldn't admit it she missed her people. She missed the Money. She missed the adrenaline that would come to her whenever she would face a paigan or when she would fight she missed it all. The way people crossed the street whenever they would see her.

The home feeling. The feeling of power. And the feeling of danger. She is a dangerous women.

It wouldn't hurt her or anyone to get a little bit more money right? I mean who wouldn't want extra money? You can never have to much money right? And taking care of the kids isn't free soooo it could help her u know.

And don't get it wrong she still has a lot of money on her, hell she probably has more money then the whole beta squad and sideman combined. But she is just scared that she will go back to nothing again.

And what didn't help was that this morning one of her mates called to check up on her and to give her a update about everything that happened in the last couple of months.

They really do need her.

Her people need her.

And she would do anything for her them.

And she would never let them down.

After everything that happened to Jakeem she couldn't just leave their people like that right?

Beside the back to the streets part, her mental and physical health isn't it. She hasn't eaten in the last two days. And doesn't sleep. She closed herself off of the world. She hasn't spoken to the squad not even her cousin.

She was more emotional and everything that Keem would say in her dream affected her. She had a feeling she never felt before. A feeling of contemptuous.

She was insecure.

She was scared she couldn't take care of her siblings. Like she would let them down. What if they weren't happy with her? What if they hated her?

Those thoughts didn't only affect her on the inside but also on the outside. Her siblings could sense that something is wrong with their siblings and they did their best to distract her from whatever thought she had. But whenever Jayden, Tione and Christal would ask her how her how she was doing she would just tell them to not worry about her and change the topic.

And what didn't help the whole situation was that Amiri wouldn't stop bringing Jakeem up. He always asked about when he could see him again. And every time he would say his name Armani would have a look of sadness and guilt on her face. Tears would threaten to spill but she didn't allow them.

She is struggling.

She needs help. But how long will it take her to realise it?

Armani Barientos:

I was laying on the couch downstairs playing FIFA with Jayden, Tione and Christal trying to distract myself from these thoughts I had. Jayden and I where a team and Tione and Christal where one. I had 4 joysticks so we could play together.

The kids are actually good in this game. The score was 2-1 for the kids. I was going easy on them and they scored because they got a penalty.

We had 3 minutes before the first half would end. Saka passed the ball to my character Trent and I ran towards the goal and scored. 2-2 Jayden screamed a loud ass "YESS" while Tione and Christal started to argue about who's fault it was.

"HEY HEY HEY stop it I don't want to see any of you put their hands on your siblings understood!" they muttered a "sorry" and an "oke".

"Aight are you guys hungry?" I asked them and they nodded. "What do ya'll wanna eat?" they all looked at each other and said all in sync. "PIZZA" I laughed and ordered the pizza they wanted.

We played the game again until Amiri came downstairs from his nap and sat on my lap. "Hey lil papi have you slept well?" "Yesss but Amiii" "Yeah miri?" "when is uncle Keemie coming over I missed him and when is my little nephew coming?" he asked me.

And all of the sudden it felt as if the world froze for a couple of minutes. I couldn't breath everything started spinning and my throat started burning. I stood up and responded to Amiri. "I-uh-I-" I got cut off by Jayden. "didn't Keem tell u to not call him uncle anymore because it made him feel old?" he laughed.

Amiri laughed with him. I tried to walk to the bathroom but I couldn't move. I saw Christal and Tione running over to me while Jayden took Amiri upstairs. And that's when I broke down. Tears began making their way downstairs. And my breath sped up. Everything slowly began to turn black. The last thing I saw was Christal grabbing my phone.

Hey guyssss.
sorry for not updating in a while! but im back now!


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